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Pre Arrival:  Overview | Location | Charts | Documents   ...
Arrival:  Approaches | Pilotage | Anchorages
Communications:  Pre-Arrival | VHF | VTS/Radar
Berthing Ops:  Tugs | Berths | Mooring
Cargo:  Breakbulk | Bulk | Containers | Other | Tankers   ...
Pollution:  Waste | Slops
Facilities:  Medical | Water | Fuel | Chandlery | Drydock   ...
Security:  Police etc | Emergency | Security | Piracy   ...
Local Info:  Weather
Report:  Report


Max. Size:  Breakbulk:  70,000 d.w.t., LOA 250 m., draft 10.0 m. Containers:  Draft 16.0 m. Ro-Ro:  70,000 d.w.t., LOA 250 m., draft 10.0 m. Bulk:  150,000 d.w.t., LOA 260 m., draft 15.0 m. Products:  150,000 d.w.t., LOA 260 m., draft 13.5 m. Chemicals:  150,000 d.w.t., LOA 260 m., draft 13.5 m. Gas:  160,000 d.w.t., LOA 290 m.
Fuel:  Available at Chennai, 7 n.m. south.
Airport:  Chennai Int'l, 35 km.
Medical:  Hospitals available.


Also known as Kamarajar
OVERVIEW:  Ennore is the 12th most important port of India. It is undergoing significant expansion in several phases. Cargoes handled include breakbulk, containers, dry bulk, chemicals LNG, LPG, petroleum products, project, Ro-Ro and vegetable oils. Projected throughput 96,000,000 tonnes/year.
LOCATION:  On the east coast approx. 20 km. NNE of Chennai and 500 km. SSE of Hyderabad. Ennore lies immediately to the south of the Port of Kattupalli.
CHARTS:  Indian Charts No. 3001 and 3028.
BA Charts No. 317 and 573.
Publications:  BA Bay of Bengal Pilot, NP 21.
DOCUMENTS:  The following copies are required by customs, immigration and health authorities:
3 Arms and Ammunition Lists
3 Bonded Stores Lists
   Crew Currency List
3 Crew Effects Declarations
8 Crew Lists
3 Currency Declarations
2 Last Port Clearances (original document and 1 copy)
4 Maritime Declarations of Health
4 Narcotics Lists
3 Nil Lists
   Passenger Currency List