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Pre Arrival:  Overview | Location | Charts | Documents   ...
Arrival:  Pilotage | Anchorages
Communications:  Pre-Arrival | VHF
Berthing Ops:  Mooring
Cargo:  Bulk | Cargo
Facilities:  Medical | Water | Fuel | Storing | Drydock   ...
Security:  Regs
Local Info:  Weather
Shore:  Airport
Crew:  Repatriation
Misc:  Authority


Max. Size:  Anchorage:  Depth 13.5 m. Bulk:  Depth 13.5 m.
Airport:  Banjamasin Domestic, approx. 160 km.
Tanjung Petang
Flag of Indonesia
View weather forecast


OVERVIEW:  Anchorage port within a sheltered bay, but exposed to swell and wind from the south Handles the transshipment of bulk coal to both geared and non-geared bulk carriers.
Cargo loaded to barges at either to the SW at Bunati jetty 17.8 n.m. or Bitulican jetties 22.8 n.m. to the north.
LOCATION:  Approx. 5.8 n.m. off the SW of Pulau Laut and 10.8 n.m. off the SE tip of Kalimantan, Borneo in position 03° 46.50′ S, 116° 56.43′ E.
CHARTS:  Digital: ID300122 and ID300122.
Paper: BA 3017.
US 72070 and 72080.
Publications:  NP34, Indonesia Pilot Vol 2.
DOCUMENTS:  Port Authority, Quarantine, Customs and Immigration officials attend vessel on arrival.
NOR:  Upon arrival and when vessel is in all respects ready to load, NOR shall be tendered to PTAI or agent between 0700 and 1600 hrs. (GMT +8 hrs.), Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays included (but excluding major Indonesian Holidays). All Notices