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Pre Arrival:  Overview | Location | Charts | Documents   ...
Arrival:  Pilotage | Anchorages
Communications:  Pre-Arrival | VHF
Berthing Ops:  Tugs | Berths | Mooring
Cargo:  Cruise | Other
Pollution:  Waste | Slops
Facilities:  Medical | Fuel | Drydock | Repairs
Security:  Police etc | Emergency
Misc:  Authority


Max. Size:  Ro-Ro:  LOA 100 m., depth 9.0 m.
Fuel:  Available.
Airport:  Losinj Int'l, 8 km.
Repairs/Drydocks:  Floating Dock, 15,000 tons capacity.
Medical:  Facilities available.
Mali Losinj
Flag of Croatia
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OVERVIEW:  Sheltered harbour. Handles predominantly local fishing vessels, pleasure craft and domestic ferries. Shipyard with floating dock and repair quay is situated at the north end of the town
LOCATION:  Northern part of the Adriatic Sea, on the island of Losinj, in western Croatia.
CHARTS:  Digital: HR3C0019, HR40022A and HR600LML.
Paper: BA 202, 204, 220 and 515.
US 54125.
Publications:  NP47, Mediterranean Pilot Vol 3.
DOCUMENTS:  See General - Documents before first Croatia port.
ISPS COMPLIANCE:  Port is compliant.
MAX. SIZE:  Ro-Ro:  LOA 100 m., depth 9.0 m.
PILOTAGE:  Compulsory for vessels over 500 g.t. Pilot boards inbound vessels in position 44° 33.39′ N, 014° 24.71′ E
ANCHORAGES:  Located in Artatore Bay, in approximate position 44° 34.00′ N, 014° 25.00′ E
Emergency anchorage for vessels of LOA less than 30 m. in the southern part of the Luka Mali Losinj, at a distance of approx. 50 m. from the coast…