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Pre Arrival:  Overview | Location | Charts | Limits   ...
Arrival:  Approaches | Pilotage | Anchorages
Communications:  Pratique | Pre-Arrival | VHF | VTS/Radar
Berthing Ops:  Tugs | Berths
Cargo:  Bulk | Cruise | Other | Cranes | Handling | Stevedores   ...
Pollution:  Waste | Slops
Facilities:  Medical | Water | Fuel | Drydock | Repairs
Security:  Police etc | Security
Local Info:  Weather | Congestion


Max. Size:  Locks:  50,000 d.w.t., LOA 210 m., beam 30 m., draft 9.75 m. Breakbulk:  Draft 9.15 m. Passengers:  LOA 210 m., beam 30.0 m., draft 9.75 m. Ro-Ro:  Draft 7.2 m. Bulk:  Draft 9.15 m.
Fuel:  All grades.
Airport:  Edinburgh Int'l, 17 km.
Repairs/Drydocks:  Graving dock 167.6 x 21.3 x 7.3 m.
Medical:  Facilities available.


Also see General before first United Kingdom port
OVERVIEW:  The largest enclosed deep-water port in Scotland, Leith handles passengers, dry bulk, breakbulk and offshore cargo. The port is also used by fishing vessels, leisure craft and occasionally by visiting warships.
LOCATION:  Leith serves the City of Edinburgh and is located on the southern shore of the Firth of Forth on the east coast of Scotland.
CHARTS:  Digital: GB300175, GB300175, GB300734, GB400737, GB40484A, GB40484B, GB40484H, GB4DEWCC, GB4DEWCG, GB4DEWHB, GB4DEWHC, GB500734, GB500737, GB50484C, GB50484D, GB50484E, GB50484F, GB50484G, GB5DEWCA, GB5DEWCB, GB5DEWCC, GB5DEWCD and GB5H0002.
Paper: BA 175, 190, 728, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737 and 1407.
US 35014 and 35048.
Publications:  NP54, North Sea (West) Pilot.
PORT LIMITS:  Leith is within the limits of the Forth Ports Ltd. area of authority. Seaward limits are defined by a line connecting the following positions
  1. 56° 17.70′ N, 002° 34.30′ W, North Carr Rocks
  2. 56° 03.40′…