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Pre Arrival:  Overview | Location | Charts | Documents   ...
Arrival:  Approaches | Pilotage | Anchorages
Communications:  Pratique | Pre-Arrival | VHF
Berthing Ops:  Tugs | Berths
Cargo:  Breakbulk | Containers | Cranes
Facilities:  Medical | Fuel | Chandlery | Services   ...
Security:  Police etc
Local Info:  Weather
Crew:  Repatriation
Misc:  Authority | Agent


Max. Size:  Breakbulk:  100,000 d.w.t., LOA 250 m., depth 18.0 m. Containers:  100,000 d.w.t., LOA 250 m., depth 18.0 m.
Fuel:  Available.
Airport:  Qeshm Int'l, 25 km.


Also see Qeshm Anchorage
OVERVIEW:  A small port comprising a single pier with a berth on either side. Kaveh handles containers and breakbulk cargo.
LOCATION:  On the north coast of Qeshm Island, 20 n.m. SW of Bandar Abbas.
CHARTS:  Digital: IR303082, IR303082, IR403012 and IR403054.
Paper: BA 3173 and 3599.
US 62393.
Publications:  NP63, Persian Gulf Pilot.
DOCUMENTS:  See Pratique and Bandar Abbas.
ISPS COMPLIANCE:  Port is compliant.
PFSO:  Duty Security Officer. M: +98 917169. 6657. F: +98 (763) 537 4281. [email protected]
MAX. SIZE:  Breakbulk:  100,000 d.w.t., LOA 250 m., depth 18.0 m.
Containers:  100,000 d.w.t., LOA 250 m., depth 18.0 m.
APPROACHES:  Fairway Buoy is located in position 27° 02.74′ N, 056° 09.55′ E. The approach channel is approx. 11.5 n.m. in length and is marked by 6 pairs of lateral buoys. Channel width is approx. 500 m.
PILOTAGE:  Service is provided by pilots from Bandar Abbas.