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Pre Arrival:  Overview | Location | Charts | ISPS | Max. Size   ...
Arrival:  Approaches | Pilotage | Anchorages
Communications:  Pre-Arrival | VHF
Berthing Ops:  Tugs | Berths
Cargo:  Breakbulk | Bulk | Containers | Cruise | Cranes   ...
Facilities:  Medical | Water | Fuel | Drydock | Repairs
Security:  Police etc
Local Info:  Weather


Max. Size:  Channel:  Depth 16.0 m. Breakbulk:  Depth 15.0 m. Containers:  Depth 15.0 m. Passengers:  Depth 10.0 m. Ro-Ro:  Depth 10.0 m. Bulk:  Depth 15.0 m.
Airport:  Neom Bay Int'l, 50 km. Tabuk Int'l, 180 km.
Medical:  Facilities available.


Also known as NEOM
Critical Information: Editor's Note: (April 2024) The Saudi authorities have renamed the port of Duba as Port of NEOM and assigned a new UN/Locode - SANEO - to the port
OVERVIEW:  A sheltered port, handling dry bulk, containers, passengers, Ro-Ro, project, offshore and breakbulk cargo. Major imports include building materials, industrial products, vehicles and foodstuffs. Ro-Ro passenger ferries operate between Duba and Safaga in Egypt. The port handles approx. 15,000,000 tonnes of cargo annually.
LOCATION:  On the northern Red Sea Coast, 480 km. NW of Yanbu and 780 km. NNW of Jeddah.
CHARTS:  Digital: GB30012B, GB30012B, GB54001A and S14R0108.
Paper: BA 12.
Publications:  NP64, Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Pilot.
ISPS COMPLIANCE:  Port is compliant.
PFSO:  Dhiba Port Authority. Hamaed Soogi. M: +966 5045 56985. F: +966 14 432 4189 [email protected]
Saudi Aramco. Saad Abdullah Al-Gahtani. T: +966 13…