Critical Information: Editor's Note: (February 2022) Sanctions are in place for many countries with regard
to goods/movements in and out of Russian ports. Prior to engaging in any contract
owners etc. are advised to seek specialist advice on the matter as the situation may
change with time
Exports from De-Kastri consist entirely of timber and oil cargoes. Crude oil from
the Sakhalin-1 facility, operated by ENL, is exported via an SPM. De Kastri can be
used as a Port of Refuge in bad weather.
At the head and the western shore of the Strait of Tatary, 145 n.m. north of Vanino.
Digital: RU3N4W00, RU4N3W10 and RU5N4W20.
Paper: BA 3340.
US 96016.
NP43, South and East Coasts of Korea East Coast of Siberia and Sea of Okhotsk Pilot.
The ports limits are bounded by the coastline and straight line joining the following
- 51° 31.50′…
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