Also see
General before first Australia port
Privately-operated bulk loading facility. The current terminal operator is Dampier
Salt Limited. Solar salt and gypsum is taken from Lake Macleod and transported to
the terminal by road for onward shipment by sea. Two stockpiles hold export material
at the port.
On the NW coast of Australia approx. 75 km. NNW of Carnarvon.
Digital: AU425113, AU425113, AU5073P1 and AU5CCU01.
Paper: US 74530 and 74535.
NP13, Australia Pilot Vol 1.
The Cape Cuvier terminal is located within the greater Port of Carnarvon, the limits
of which have been extended as follows:
A line due west for 4 n.m. from a point on the mainland in 24° 10.00′ S, 113° 26.08′ E, and thence in a SSW direction to Cape Ronsard at the north end of Bernier Island
and then as for Carnarvon to the starting point.
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