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Pre Arrival:  Overview | Location | Charts | Limits   ...
Communications:  Pratique | Pre-Arrival | VHF | VTS/Radar
Berthing Ops:  Tugs | Berths | Mooring
Pollution:  Ballast | Pollution | Waste | Slops
Facilities:  Medical | Water | Fuel | Chandlery | Storing   ...
Security:  Police etc | Emergency | Security | Regs
Local Info:  Holidays | Weather


Max. Size:  Channel:  Draft 15.5 m. (tidal). Locks:  LOA 315 m., beam 42.0 m., draft 13.0 m. Containers:  Depth 14.0 m. Passengers:  Depth 9.3 m. Ro-Ro:  Depth 11.0 m. Tankers:  Depth 11.0 m.
Fuel:  All grades.
Airport:  Bremen, 65 km.
Repairs/Drydocks:  Floating dock 286 x 38.0 m., 110,000 d.w.t., draft 6.5 m.
Medical:  Hospital facilities available.
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Also see Bremen
OVERVIEW:  A river port handling mainly containers, vehicles, petroleum products, produce and passengers. Port facilities are located both along the river and within non-tidal docks. The port is the fourth largest container hub in Europe and a major gateway for cargo entering or leaving central Europe.
The port of Bremerhaven is a Core port in the North Sea-Baltic and Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridors in the European Union's Trans-European Transport Network.
LOCATION:  On the east bank of the Weser at the river’s mouth, 55 km. NNW of Bremen and 95 km. west of Hamburg.
CHARTS:  German Charts Int. 1456 D2, Int. 1457 D4, Int. 1413 D87.
BA Charts DE4, DE20 and DE87.
Publications:  BA North Sea (East) Pilot, NP 55.
PORT LIMITS:  Defined by lines connecting the following positions:
  1. 53° 36.38′ N, 008° 31.23′ E
  2. 53° 36.10′ N, 008° 29.56′ E
  3. 53° 35.30′ N, 008° 30.18′ E
  4. 53° 35.47′ N…