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Pre Arrival:  Overview | Location | Charts | Limits   ...
Arrival:  Pilotage | Anchorages
Communications:  Pratique | Pre-Arrival | VHF | VTS/Radar
Berthing Ops:  Tugs | Berths
Cargo:  Breakbulk | Bulk | Containers | Cruise | Tankers   ...
Facilities:  Medical | Water | Fuel | Chandlery | Services   ...
Security:  Police etc | Emergency | Security
Local Info:  Holidays | Weather | Congestion
Misc:  Authority
Report:  Report


Max. Size:  Breakbulk:  Draft 12.4 m. Containers:  Draft 12.4 m. Passengers:  Displacement 58,000 tonnes, LOA 295 m., draft 10.0 m. Ro-Ro:  Displacement 58,000 tonnes, LOA 295 m., draft 10.0 m. Bulk:  Draft 12.4 m. Tankers:  Displacement 56,000 tonnes, draft 13.0 m.
Fuel:  Diesel by road tanker.
Airport:  Chacalluta Domestic, 12 km.
Repairs/Drydocks:  Minor repairs possible.
Medical:  Facilities available.


Also known as San Martin
OVERVIEW:  Open roadstead port, handles dry bulk, containers and tankers. The Port Authority is Empresa Portuaria Arica, with port facilities operated by Terminal Puerto Arica (TPA) and Empresa Nacional de Puertos SA (ENAPU). A number of offshore facilities exist close by
LOCATION:  In the north of Chile, 8 n.m. from the border with Peru.
CHARTS:  Digital: CL4TR010 and PE300325.
Paper: BA 4217 and 4218.
Publications:  NP7, South America Pilot Vol 3.
PORT LIMITS:  Seaward limits are from Punta Chaculluta, approx. 18° 24.81′ S, 070° 19.48′ W, to 18° 27.21′ S, 070° 20.50′ W, and then to the west point of Peninsula Alacran, approx. 18° 28.81′ S, 070° 20.00′ W.
DOCUMENTS:  The following are required by the Captain of the Port:
   Ballast Water Report
   Crew List
   Dangerous Cargo List (discharge and in transit)
   General Declaration
   ISPS Notification
   Last Port Clearance
   Passenger (Nil) List (for the port…