Updated information for Leixoes Port and Leixoes Marine Terminal, Portugal
Leixoes is a multipurpose port in a man-made harbour, specialising in general cargo, dry and liquid bulk, Ro-Ro, containers, cruise, fishing and pleasure craft. Port serves north and central Portugal, and has excellent road connections to northern and central borders and the Spanish road network. Port of Duoro handles mainly river traffic through the city of Oporto.
Our information updates can be found under ISPS compliance, restrictions, pilotage, pratique, VHF, VTS/Radar, facilities (bulk, container, other, passenger and tanker), pollution, medical, chandlery and developments.
The principal function of Terminal Oceanico Galp Leca's (TOGL) SPM is the import of crude oil.
Updated information for Leixoes Marine Terminal can be found for documents, ISPS compliance, pilotage, dry dock, nearest airport and operator details.