Antwerp, Belgium, newly amended incl. max. size and connections
Antwerp is situated in Flanders, northern Belgium, close to the border with the Netherlands. The port extends over 13,057 ha. of land, north of the city centre. There are 151 km. of berths, about half of which are suitable for deep-draft vessels. Antwerp has two sets of docks, one on each bank of the Scheldt, entered via sealocks. The majority of the terminals are in the docks. However, container terminals have been built on the approaches to the Berendrecht and Zandvliet Locks, and the first two terminals of Deurganck Dock on the Left Bank.
Changhes to the port information for Antwerp are available under max. size, restrictions, approcahes, pilotage, anchorages, VHF, VTS/radar, berths, facilities (bulk, container, other and tanker), chandlery, surveyors, connections, seaman's clubs and developments.