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Major amendments to Newcastle, Australia, available

Posted: 31st August 2011

Newcastle, Australia, is a multipurpose, tidal port consisting of three main areas: The Basin, handling general cargo and grain; Main Shipping Channel (formerly known as the Steelworks Channel) and Kooragang Island handling dry and liquid bulk, including coal and vegetable oil.

Other cargoes handled include timber, containers, concentrates, woodchips, alumina, aluminium and passengers.

Major changes to the port information for Newcastle are now available. Please find the changes under the following ehadings: port limits, documents, max. size, restrictions, pratique, pre-arrival information, tugs, berths, mooring, facilities (bulk, passenger, other and tanker), stevedores, pollution, chandlerydry dock, surveyors, emergency response centre, regulations, telephones, customs, shore leave, developments and some authority details have also been amended.

The plans have also been updated.

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