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New ACE report available for Etame Terminal, Gabon

Posted: 12th July 2011

Etame Terminal is located approximately 21 n.m. off the coast of Gabon, 205 n.m. SSE of Port Gentil and 100 n.m. NNW of Point Noire.

FPSO Petroleo Nautipa is permanently moored on a heading of 015°(T) by eight mooring legs deployed in a radial pattern, four from the bow, and four from the stern. Each mooring leg consists of 850 m. × 3 in. chain and drag embedment anchor. There are no anchor marker buoys. Two subsea production wellheads are located 500 m., 1,200 m. and 2,300 m. from the FPSO port side (amidships). Vessels are not permitted to approach within 1,000 m. of the FPSO's port side.

Operated by VAALCO Gabon.

A new Report of Actual Conditions Experieced (ACE Report) is available for Etame Terminal.

Minor amendments also made to overview, charts and pre-arrival information.