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Columbian ports Buenaventura and Barranquilla updated and available

Posted: 28th June 2011


The columbian port of Buenaventura is a river port handling bulk, containers and petroleum located located centrally on Columbia’s west coast.

Changes to the information for this port are available under charts, documents, max. size, approaches, pilotage, anchorages, pratique, berths, facilities (bulk, container and tanker), stevedores, police/ambulance/fire, fire precautions, security/gangway, piracy, holidays, consuls, nearest airport and repatriation.



Barranquilla is a river port and the country's fourth largest city. The facilities are operated by the Port Authority (Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Barranquilla (SPRB) and a number of privately operated terminals and a Free Trade Zone.

Information amendments are to be found under overview, charts, ISPS compliance, documents, max. size, density, restrictions, approaches, pilotage, anchorages, pratique, pre-arrival information, tugs, berths, mooring, facilities (bulk, container, other and tanker), cranes, cargo handling facilities, fuel, repairs, security/gangway, weather/tides, connections, shore leave and repatriation.