Major amendments to Santa Marta, Columbia available incl. berth and facility information
Santa Marta is a natural harbour offering good protection from the prevailing winds. This multipurpose port handles containers, grain, paper, vehicles, dry chemicals, machinery, coal, bananas, coffee and vegetable oil.
The anchorage coal terminal at Puerto Prodeco and Puerto Drummond is approximately 9 n.m. south of Santa Marta.
Information changes can be found under overview, charts, documents, ISPS compliance, max. size, density, pilotage, pratique, pre-arrival information, tugs, berths, bulk and tanker facilities, pollution, waste disposal, slops disposal, medical, fresh water, fuel, chandlery, repairs, police/ambulance/fire, emergency responce centre, security/gangway, holidays, delays, telephones, connections, banks, customs, shore leave, repatriation and identification cards.