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Terminal information for Xikomba and Girassol, Angola, updated

Posted: 26th November 2010


The Girassol complex comprises two loading points, the FPSO Girassol and an SPM CALM loading buoy located 1 n.m. bearing 020°(T) from the FPSO.

Changes to Girassol terminal information are available under charts, restrictions and cargo operations.



The terminal consists of the FPSO Xikomba, 256,033 d.w.t., storage capacity 292,000 cu.m., LOA 366 m., breadth 51.8 m., depth 25.6 m., draft 20.46 m., with a CALM buoy moored astern of the vessel in depth of 1,300 m. and can handle vessels up to 350,000 d.w.t.

Updated information can be found for Xikomba under overview, documents, restrictions, pre-arrival, pratique, VHF, tugs, mooring, hoses, cargo operations, ballast, pollution, emergency control centre, dry dock, repairs, nearest airport, agency and operator.