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General Information for Uruguay
Capital City: Montevideo.
Nationality: (noun) Uruguayan, (adjective) Uruguayan.
Population: 3,494,382.
International Direct Dial Code: 598.
Number of Internal Airports: 9.
Major Languages Spoken: Spanish, Portunol, or Brazilero (Portuguese-Spanish mix on the Brazilian frontier).
Currency: 1 Peso Uruguayo (UYU) of 100 Centesimos.
Exchange Rates:
(as of September 2015)
USD 1.00 = UYU 28.64
UYU 1.00 = USD 0.03
Exchange rates under licence from
Main Industries: Food processing, electrical machinery, transportation equipment, petroleum products,
textiles, chemicals and beverages.
Territorial Sea: 12 n.m.
Other Maritime Claims: Contiguous Zone: 24 n.m. Continental Shelf: 200 n.m. or edge of continental margin.
Exclusive Economic Zone: 200 n.m.
Coastline Extent: 660 km.
Climate: Warm temperate; freezing temperatures almost unknown.
Natural Resources: Arable land, hydropower, minor minerals and fisheries.
Natural Hazards: Seasonally high winds (the pampero is a chilly and occasional violent wind that blows
north from the Argentine pampas), droughts, floods; because of the absence of mountains,
which act as weather barriers, all locations are particularly vulnerable to rapid
changes from weather fronts.
Terrain: Mostly rolling plains and low hills; fertile coastal lowland.
Average Temperatures:
Month | High | Low |
January | 29° C | 16° C |
June | 15° C | 7° C |
September | 19° C | 8° C |
National charts and nautical publications published by Servicio de Oceanografia, Hidrografia
y Meteorologia de la Armada (SOHMA). Chart and publication catalogue available at
As a general guide, the following documents should be ready to be presented to the
port officials:
1 Crew Effects Declaration
1 Crew List (disembarking)
1 Crew List (embarking)
1 Crew List (in transit)
1 Nationality Breakdown List (crew)
1 Nationality Breakdown List (passengers)
1 Passenger List (disembarking)
1 Passenger List (embarking)
1 Passenger List (in transit)
Coast Guard:
1 Arrival Statement
1 Crew Effects Declaration
1 Crew List
1 Last Port Clearance
1 Passenger List
Ship's Register (for inspection)
1 Stores Declaration
2 Crew Effects Declarations
2 Crew Lists (in transit)
2 Passenger Lists (disembarking)
2 Passenger Lists (in transit)
1 Ports of Call List
2 Stores Lists
Health Department:
1 Crew List (disembarking)
1 Crew List (embarking)
1 Crew List (in transit)
1 Maritime Declaration of Health
1 Passenger List (disembarking)
1 Passenger List (embarking)
1 Passenger List (in transit)
1 Ports of call List
1 Vaccination List
2 Crew Lists (disembarking)
2 Crew Lists (embarking)
2 Crew Lists (in transit)
2 Nationality Breakdown Lists (crew)
2 Nationality Breakdown Lists (passengers)
2 Passenger Lists (disembarking)
2 Passenger Lists (embarking)
2 Passenger Lists (in transit)
1 Crew List (disembarking)
1 Crew List (embarking)
1 Crew List (in transit)
1 Passenger List (disembarking)
1 Passenger List (embarking)
1 Passenger List (in transit).
For more specific information, see individual port entries or contact local Agent.
Uruguay has declared sovereignty over 200 n.m. offshore, reserving all fishing and
undersea exploitation rights (Fishing Zone/EEZ). A number of foreign flag vessels
fishing without permits have been seized and heavily fined, their catch and gear being
Permits are obtainable, but in no case for vessels over 500 g.t., to operate within
60 n.m. from shore, while all activity in territorial waters (200 n.m.) is forbidden
in the months of May and June.
Compulsory for all ports west of Montevideo. For vessels bound for Montevideo, the
Montevideo Port Pilot will board vessel, according to draft, at the positions stated
below. Vessels proceeding to Uruguayan river ports, the River Pilot will board at
the same position, unless otherwise instructed by Agent or Montevideo Control Center.
Also see
The Pan American Sanitary Code:
Established by the signatory governments of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa
Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Panama,
Paraguay, Peru, United States of America, Uruguay, and Venezuela, being desirous of
entering into a sanitary convention for the purpose of better promoting and protecting
the public health of their respective nations, and particularly to the end that effective
cooperative international measures may be applied for the prevention of the international
spread of the communicable infections of human beings and to facilitate international
commerce and communication. Full details available from the Pan American Health Organization
Bills of Health:
- The Master of any vessel or aircraft which proceeds to a port of any of the signatory governments is required to obtain at the port of departure and ports of call, a Bill of Health, in duplicate, issued in accordance with the information set forth in the appendix and adopted as the standard bill of health.
- The Bill of Health will be accompanied by a list of the passengers, and stowaways if any, which shall indicate the port where they embarked and the port to which they are destined, and a list of the crew.
- Consuls and other officials signing or countersigning Bills of Health should keep themselves accurately informed with respect to the sanitary conditions of the ports, and the manner in which this code is obeyed by vessels and their passengers and crews while therein. They should have accurate knowledge of local mortality and morbidity, and of sanitary conditions which may affect vessels in port. To this end, they shall be furnished with any information they request pertaining to sanitary records, harbours, and vessels.
- The signatory governments may assign medical or sanitary officers as public health attaches to embassies or legations, and as representatives to international conferences.
- If at the port of departure there is no consul or consular agent of the country of destination, the Bill of Health may be issued by the consul or consular agent of a friendly government authorised to issue such bill of health.
- The Bill of Health should be issued not to exceed 48 hours before the departure of the ship to which it is issued. The sanitary visa should not be given more than 24 hours before departure.
- Any erasure or alteration of a Bill of Health shall invalidate the document, unless such alteration or erasure shall be made by competent authority, and notation thereof appropriately made.
- A clean Bill of Health is one which shows the complete absence in the port of departure of cholera, yellow fever, plague, typhus fever, or of other pestilential disease in severe epidemic form, liable to be transported by international commerce. Provided that the presence only of bona fide imported cases of such disease, when properly isolated, shall not compel the issuance of a foul Bill of Health, but notation of the presence of such cases will be made under the heading of ``Remarks'' on the Bill of Health.
- A foul Bill of Health is one which shows the presence of non-imported cases of any of the diseases referred to in 8. above.
- Specific Bills of Health are not required of vessels which, by reason of accident, storm or other emergency condition, including wireless change of itinerary, are obliged to put into ports other than their original destinations, but such vessels shall be required to exhibit such bills of health as they possess.
- It shall be the duty of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to publish appropriate information which may be distributed by port health officers, for the purpose of instructing owners, agents, and masters of vessels as to the methods which should be put in force by them for the prevention of the international spread of disease.
Other Sanitary Documents:
Every vessel, carrying a medical officer will maintain a sanitary log which will be
kept by him, and he will record therein daily: the sanitary condition of the vessel,
and its passengers and crew; a record showing the names of passengers and crew which
have been vaccinated by him; name, age, nationality, home address, occupation and
nature of illness or injury of all passengers and crew treated during the voyage;
the source and sanitary quality of the drinking water of the vessel, the place where
taken on board, and the method in use on board for its purification; sanitary conditions
observed in ports visited during the voyage; the measures taken to prevent the ingress
and egress of rodents to and from the vessel; and the measures which have been taken
to protect the passengers and crew against mosquitoes, other insects, and vermin.
The sanitary log will be signed by the Master and medical officer of the vessel, and
will be exhibited upon the request of any sanitary or consular officer. In the absence
of a medical officer, the master shall record the above information in the log of
the vessel, insofar as possible.
Equal or similar forms for Quarantine Declarations, Certificates of Fumigation, and
Certificates of Vaccination, set forth in the appendix, are hereby adopted as standard
Three days before arrival at the first Uruguay port, vessel should send to Agent a
Crew List, and if passengers carried, a Passenger Nationality Breakdown List, Passenger
List (disembarking) and Passenger List (embarking) as applicable.
ETA should be sent to Agents at least 24 hours before arrival. Local time should be
used. The message should include pilot station/anchorage and the preferred side for
The relevant Port Authority will issue a Sailing Permit. This must be kept until arrival
at the next port. If vessel is proceeding to another Uruguay port, Agent will require
5 Crew Lists and 5 Passengers Lists, to be delivered at least 1 hour before sailing,
in order to prepare the clearance at each subsequent port.
Maritime Movement Control and Information System in operation, and applies to all
vessels entering or leaving Uruguayan waters covering the Atlantic shoreline and Rio
de la Plata; a complementary system (SICOSENARU) applies to all vessels navigating
the Rio Uruaguay.
Zonal and port control centres have been established along the Uruguay coastline,
and Uruguayan jurisdiction of the Rio de la Plata and Rio Uruguay. Full details available
Admiralty List of Radio Signals Vol. 6(7).
Vessels should contact the appropriate centre on entering each zone, stating the following:
- vessel's name, flag, call sign and port of origin
- position (lat./long.), bearing and speed
- destination port, ETA, type of vessel and maximum draft
In addition, vessels in all zones should report to following to the relevant centre:
- any important changes to the original bearing, speed, or destination port
- if transporting dangerous goods
- any important changes to loading or unloading forecasts
- requests for anchoring if required
- requests for carrying out manoeuvres in the port operation areas, which expires 20 minutes after being granted
- any incident suffering from the vessel
- any assistance offered to vessels damaged or in difficulty
- any sightings of obstacles and/or dangers to navigation
- any sightings of spillages of contaminating or dangerous substances
- any significant reduction in visibility
- the start and completion of any authorised operation (transshipments, load consignment etc.)
Within zones, vessels should maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF Channel 16.
Communication with the control centres should be in Spanish or English, using the
standardised IMO maritime navigation vocabulary, or the International Code of signals.
Towage is compulsory for all kinds of vessels. The number of tugs required will depend
on the ship's particulars and the Pilot's criteria. As per regulation all vessels
must have at least one tug on stand-by. Towage must be arranged by Agent.
As per ANP (Port Administration Board) regulations, it is compulsory for ships at
berth to operate 24 hours/day (weather permitting) including Saturday, Sunday and
holidays, and to leave the berth a maximum 2 hours after completion.
8-hour shifts 0700–1500, 1500–2300 and 2300–0700. 12-hour shifts for woodchips and
containers. Meal breaks of 30 minutes per shift. Private companies work on an 8-hour
basis and usually do not work on Saturday.
Workers of ANP and Customs work on a 6-hour basis.
All overside discharges from toilets, bathrooms, galley, scuppers, engine room, etc.
must be screened or covered when vessel is alongside the quay, as vessels will be
fined if the discharge falls on the dock or gangway.
Medical and dental treatment is expensive in Uruguay. Make sure you have adequate
health insurance and accessible funds to cover the cost of any medical treatment and
In the 2010 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic the UNAIDS/WHO Working Group estimated
that around 9,600 adults aged 15 or over in Uruguay were living with HIV; the prevalence
percentage was estimated at around 0.5% of the adult population compared to the prevalence
percentage in adults in the UK of around 0.2%.
Also see
A gangway must be placed and ready after a vessel comes alongside the quay, but this
must not be presented before coming in to the quay. Authorities will only come on
board via gangways.
Gangways must also have a lifebuoy with suitable line attached and handy, and a safety
net must be placed under the gangway, otherwise shore labour will not board vessels,
with consequent delay.
The gangway must also be brightly illuminated at night.
As soon as vessel is securely moored, regulation size (not less than 80 cm.) rat guards
must be placed on all ropes, wires, fenders, lines and hoses.
Heavy fines are imposed for non-compliance with any of these or other regulations.
Increased fines became effective in June 1973 in respect of infringements of the Uruguayan
Marine Code
Reglamento Preventivo y Represivo de Infracciones Maritimas, Fluviales y Portuarias . There are approx. 119 articles to the Marine Code, and owners and Masters of vessels
proceeding to Uruguayan ports are recommended to obtain a copy of the Code (which
lists port regulations and amounts of fines for infringements before arrival.
Articles 1–8 cover respectively the reasons for setting up this preventive set of
regulations; the definition of what a vessel is in terms of the legislation; the establishment
and amount of fines (they may be tripled in the event of repeated offences); the fact
that very small vessels may only have imposed 10% of the full fine; the jurisdiction
for the regulations covering the whole of the Uruguayan coast and river frontage;
the stipulation whereby the Prefectura Nacional Naval must send to the Master of the
vessel a statement of the offence immediately it is observed and this in triplicate
and to the local Agent for the vessel.
The actual information which the form must contain is delineated. Notification of
offences can be made after a vessel has sailed, this being to the local Agent by phone
and confirmed within 24 hours in writing. All Masters must give written consent to
their local Agent, and the Agent must accept this in writing, empowering the Agent
to act in the Master's name in all cases of fine payment. The authorities may delay
the sailing of a vessel if they see fit in connection with any offence. Finally, Article
8 deals with the right to appeal to the Prefectura Nacional Naval against any fine
imposed, this having to be done within 10 days' dating from day following personal
notification of the offence.
Articles 9–119 cover the specific offences subject to fine and indicate individually
the full fine imposable in local currency.
An abridged summary of some of the articles is as follows:
- No anchoring within 900 m. of the illuminated buoy in the port access channel.
- Vessels carrying hazardous cargo must hoist flags according to the International Code of Signals.
- Vessels with anyone on board with contagious diseases must hoist appropriate flag (letters ``QL'').
- Flag ``Q'' must be hoisted and maintained in position until Health Authority has given free pratique.
- All vessels anchoring in the roads, bay or ante-port must take due precautions not to harm or cause damage to other vessels; the fine will be imposed notwithstanding claims for damages from third parties.
- Agents of vessels which may wish to anchor in the roads must obtain prior permission from the Marine Authority, specifying vessel's measurements and the reason. If authorised, the anchorage to be used will be notified.
- No anchoring at the docks unless justified, and anchors must be raised immediately the reason for dropping them has gone. There must be no delay on the part of vessels in complying with the Marine Authorities instructions to change berth or anchorage.
- No tying up to other vessels without Marine Authority permission; no attachment to berths which have not been allocated and no changing of berth without authorisation.
- No anchoring in places not authorised by the Marine Authority, the maximum fine being applied should this have caused damage to third parties.
- No small craft to be tied up obstructing gangway or quays. Where this is necessary for embarking crew members, passengers, provisions, etc., the small craft must be removed immediately the operation has been completed.
- Small craft must not be tied up to buoys or beacons. Vessels must not tie up at buoys or beacons.
- Maximum speed of vessels in docks is 4 knots.
- Navigation in channels of access to ports is governed as follows:
a) maximum speed 8 knotsb) vessels must always keep to starboardc) vessels must not overtake each other, but where this isnecessary they must conform to the International Colregsd) no anchorage in channelse) no fishing in channels
- Vessels navigating in channels must keep a distance of 1,000 m. from each other.
- Vessels must not cross in front of each other in the fore-ports.
- All vessels entering or leaving the ante-port or docks, changing berths or anchorages must be assisted by a Pilot and tug, unless specifically given exception to this rule by the Marine Authority.
- No vessel must enter port with damage to hull, machinery or rudder unless prior inspected by the Technical Commission of the Prefectura Nacional Naval.
- Any vessel springing a leak whilst navigating in the access channel, and which the bilge pumps cannot overcome, must go aground as quickly as possible outside the channel so as to leave the channel open.
- In case of fire on board whilst navigating in the access channel, Masters must observe usual procedure and give signals accordingly.
- The strict use of semaphore signals within port must be observed.
- When vessels enter the docks or remain in them, Masters, owners or Agents must request permission from the Marine Traffic Office, and report to the Office of Pilotage, and proceed in whatever form they may instruct. On leaving the same procedure must be followed.
- Masters and owners of vessels must see that their vessels do not obstruct or cause harm to port works, beacons, buoys, or semaphores and once tied up they must not slacken ropes without permission of the Marine Authority except under conditions covered by items 1, 2 and 3 of Article 64 of the Port of Montevideo Marine Regulations (not reproduced).
- No vessel to have badly stowed cargo, excess weight, or evidence of lists due to bad trimming of cargo.
- Only those lines necessary for tying up to be used. When two or more vessels tie up alongside to load or discharge they are all obligated to ensure that the handling of their respective cargoes does not prejudice the working of the others.
- Vessels must take proper precautions when loading or discharging raw material, i.e. sand, bones, ash, coal, etc., by placing suitable planks of wood close together to prevent any such material falling into the water.
- No vessel to enter docks with the gangway already rigged.
- During unloading operations, no goods to be thrown on to the quay. This must be done manually or mechanically.
- During discharge operations, cargo must be so positioned on the quay as to leave adequate passage for vehicular traffic, i.e. police, fire brigade, Health authorities, Customs and port officials.
- Planks of wood, when planks are used for any operation, must not be placed in contact with mooring bitts or cables. When work ceases all pieces of wood, ladders, small trucks, etc, must be removed from quay, and those belonging to the ship must be taken on board, this so as not to obstruct the public path along the quay.
- When cleaning or washing ships tied up at quays, no rubbish, water or cleaning material must be allowed to fall on the quay.
- A very serious offence is the throwing into the water of any rubbish, sewage or other material susceptible to polluting the water.
- Very serious offences are the lightening of ships carrying petrol, crude oil, or the like, likewise the washing-out of tanks, except in authorised zones. The fine is based on the area spoiled by the wrongful discharge.
- All ships should have local Agents, otherwise in the case of offences the Master is held responsible and vessels may be detained.
- Vessels are responsible to ensure that no damage is made to quay installations by the cargo they load or discharge, and must always leave berths in a tidy and clean state.
- Vessels' auxiliary small craft, launches and the like must not hang over the side of the vessel in port, except during operations of launching and reshipping on board, where such operations are conducted at points indicated by the Marine Authority. Such small craft may only be used for the purpose and at the times authorised by the Marine Authority.
- Usual regulations concerning carriage of passengers in vessels and heavy fines are imposable for the carriage of passengers or crew members not listed.
- Vessels exceeding their navigation limits shown in their Certificate of Navigability are subject to fine.
- All vessels must be cleared to sail by the Marine Authority.
- Vessels must use their proper name and this must be painted on in letters of minimum of 15 cm. height and 8 cm. wide. Letters must be white on black or black on light colour.
- Masters, Owners and Agents must report any crew offence or irregularity on board to the Marine Authority.
- Vessels in port must hoist the Uruguayan flag. Note: It is recommended that Masters correctly establish the prescribed times for raising and lowering the Uruguayan flag, in order to avoid fines.
- Vessels must have their gangway equipped with handrails, and the gangway must be clearly lit at night.
- All lines to shore must have rat-guards fitted.
- When there are hazardous goods on board or when such goods are being worked, the vessel must hoist the International Code Signal letter ``B'', and at night show a red light on the bow masthead, must always have engines in a state of readiness in case of danger, keep two-thirds of the crew on board, keep watchmen and firemen available (the number of whom will be determined by the number of holds containing the hazardous material), must only work with incandescent lights, and keep a Port Pilot on board if the Marine Authority so directs.
- Vessels moored at quays must not move propellers, except under the direction of the Marine Authority.
- Vessels must not moor in the port access channel. There must be no improper use of the International Code Signal. Signal flags must not be interspersed with flags of nationality.
- If a vessel wishes to dress flags over all, or fly a flag at halfmast due to a bereavement on board, the Marine Authority's permission must first be obtained.
- The use of whistles, sirens or any other audible signal within the area of the roads, bay, ante-port or docks, for any reason other than justifiable for navigation is prohibited.
- Any vessel anchored, tied up to other vessels or to the shore or quays, must show a white light from sunset to sunrise which can be seen at a distance of 500 m.
- In the access channel to Montevideo, no more than four vessels may navigate at one time, two entering, two leaving.
- Maximum speed in the Montevideo ante-port is 6 knots. There must be no anchoring in the Free Zone, reserved for the manoeuvring of vessels entering and leaving.
- At Montevideo there must be no anchoring along the route leading from the Free Zone to Channel A, between the quay and the pier of the same letter. Also on the route leading from Pier A along a line to 100 m. to the north of the end of the West Jetty.
- No anchoring in any area less than 200 m. from Pier A in a semi-circular coverage, taking as middle point a position half way between Quay A and Pier A.
- All vessels must keep to the right or to the middle when there are no other vessels in the vicinity.
- International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions apply.
- Vessels navigating along the routes established in the ante-port or which have to pass directly through the passage between Jetties A and B, must keep to the right when another vessel is coming in the opposite direction.
- Vessels which have to cross the north, the south route or directly between Jetties A and B, must ensure that they pass any other vessel at a distance not less than 50 m.
- Any vessel navigating under her own power must give way to a vessel under tow by a tug.
- Vessels with tugs following routes which cross one another, thereby creating a collision risk, the one passing to the starboard of the other is the vessel which must take the precautionary measures to avoid collision. If, however, the risk persists, the vessel passing to port of the other must also take measures to increase the distance between the two vessels.
- No vessels to pass in pairs or in opposite direction between Jetties A and B; the
semaphore signals transmitted by Quay ``A'' must be observed. If the signal is ``vessel
entering from the ante-port to the docks'', the vessel in the docks, ready to sail,
must wait until the incoming vessel has entered.
If the signal is ``vessel leaving the docks for the ante-port'' the vessel in the foreport, moving towards Jetty A to enter the docks, must wait in the free zone, stop engines, keeping to starboard, and drop anchor if necessary, until the outgoing vessel is outside and well clear of Jetty A.The same regulation applies to vessels leaving the River Dock. In this case, the vessel leaving Jetty A has priority, coming from Docks I and II the first will wait for the second before starting engines.
- All vessels navigating in the same direction in the ante-port must keep a distance of not less than 300 m. from each other stern to bow. They must not pass each other or navigate in pairs.
- In the event of offences being incurred whilst an Uruguayan Pilot is on board, at the request of the local Agent, the Marine Authority will determine whether the Pilot is responsible for the offence having occurred, and take measures accordingly.
- Vessels which load beyond the appropriate load line will be subject to a fine.
1 January (New Year's Day); 1 May (Labour Day); 18 July (Constitution Day); 25 August
(Independence Day); 25 December (Christmas Day).
Real-time maritime weather conditions and forecasts available online (in Spanish).
Service provided by Servicio de Oceanografia, Hidrografia y Meteorologia de la Armada
Normal banking hours are Monday to Friday 1300–1700. Credit cards are widely accepted
in most major towns, but this is not the case everywhere. International cash cards
can be used in some ATMs in Montevideo and Punta del Este, but there may be a charge
for taking money out. See the following website for ATM locations
Also see
Strict customs controls prohibit visitors from importing animal and dairy products,
fruit and vegetables. All baggage is x-rayed on arrival (at airports) and may be searched.
Customs regulations (in Spanish) available at
City/Port Offices:
Colonia. Tel: +598 4522 0693. Fax: +598 4522 3047.
[email protected]
Fray Bentos. Tel: +598 4562 3303. Fax: +598 4562 2931.
[email protected]
Montevideo. Tel: +598 2916 8117. Fax: +598 2916 5202.
[email protected]
Nueva Palmira. Tel: +598 4544 7210. Fax: +598 4544 7326.
[email protected]
Paysandu. Tel: +598 4722 2569. Fax: +598 4722 7963.
[email protected]
Also see
Joining crew must hold a valid passport and corresponding valid Seaman's Book. In
order to obtain clearance from Immigration, and the permission for joiners to enter
Uruguay without a visa, Agent must be advised of crew member's full name, Seaman's
Book number, date and place of birth, and full flight details, at least 72 working
hours before they leave their respective country.
Crew members disembarking are required to have a Seaman's Book and valid airline ticket.
Agents will complete all formalities with Immigration.
Information obtained from the UK Foreign & Commonwealth website. Updates available