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Cayman Is.
General Information for Cayman Islands
The Cayman Islands are a British Overseas Territory lying south of Cuba and west of
Jamaica. The sea surrounding the islands is a marine park and conservation area.
1 Crew List
1 Passenger List
3 Ship's Particulars
1 Crew Effects Declaration
1 Crew List
1 Crew List (disembarking)
1 Crew List (embarking)
1 Last Port Clearance (original)
1 Maritime Declaration of Health
1 Passenger List
1 Passenger List (disembarking)
1 Passenger List (embarking)
1 Pre-Arrival Notification
2 Ship's Particulars
1 Stores List
1 Crew Effects Declaration
1 Crew List (including nationality breakdown)
1 Crew List (disembarking)
1 Crew List (embarking)
1 Last Port Clearance (original)
1 Maritime Declaration of Health
1 Passenger List (including nationality breakdown)
1 Passenger List (disembarking)
1 Passenger List (embarking)
1 Pre-Arrival Notification
2 Ship's Particulars
1 Stores List
Also see
Pre-Arrival Information
24 hours prior to arrival in the Cayman Islands, all vessels over 500 g.t. are required
to file a Pre-Arrival Notice; this form contains sections for the vessel's details
and the passenger and crew data, which provides the information required by the port
for ISPS purposes and for Immigration pre-clearance.
The completed Pre-Arrival Notice should be emailed to the Port Facility Security Officer,
Immigration and Customs and Agent.
If the vessel is a cargo vessel, in addition, an electronic Cargo Manifest, Bill(s)
of Lading and Container List is to be submitted. Contact Will Jacobs to arrange this.
[email protected]
The Pre-Arrival Notice should be submitted 24 hours prior to arrival in the Cayman
Islands regardless of whether vessel is at sea or in port. If sailing time from last
port of call is less than 24 hours, a further updated Pre-Arrival Notice should be
submitted, if there has been a change to the Crew and/or Passenger List.
In respect to cruise vessels, pre-clearance allows a cruise ship to commence disembarkation
of their passengers and crew immediately on arrival, eliminating the need to await
formal clearance. However, the Purser is required to be on the first tender to present
the usual paperwork to Immigration and Customs (but again note that it does not impede
the disembarkation of passengers). In the event pre-clearance is not granted to vessel,
passengers must remain on board the vessel while the Purser proceeds via tender to
the terminal assigned to present documents for clearance to Immigration and Customs.
Once clearance has been granted, disembarkation of passengers may commence.
Immigration is usually available in port until 1900 hrs. (LT) each day to process
the data and issue pre-clearance. If, for any reason, vessel is unable to meet the
24-hour deadline, vessel should contact PFSO and Immigration by email or telephone.
Port Authority. Tel: +1 (345) 925 3166.
[email protected]
Immigration & Customs. Tel: +1 (345) 926 0341.
[email protected]
[email protected]
There is no National Health Service in the Cayman Islands, and even the most remedial
medical treatment can be expensive. Two hospitals located in George Town, Grand Cayman:
- Cayman Islands Hospital, PO Box 915GT. Tel: +1 345 949 8600. Fax: +1 345 949 2998.
- Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital, PO Box 273GT. Tel: +1 345 949 6066. Fax: +1 345 945 1695.
1 January (New Years Day); 25 January (National Heroes Day); Ash Wednesday; Good Friday;
Easter Monday; 3rd Monday in May (Discovery Day); Monday in June following HM Queen’s
official Birthday; 1st Monday in June (Constitution Day); Monday following Remembrance
Sunday; 25 and 26 December.
The islands are cooled by prevailing NE trades. Mean winter temperature is 24°C (75°F),
mean summer temperature 26–29°C (79–84°F). The winter northerlies make most anchorages
untenable, with recommended anchorages along the south coast and inside North Sound.
The hurricane season is June to November.
Barbados, Canada and Jamaica.
The Cayman Islands is a British Overseas Territory in which there is no formal British
Diplomatic or Consular Representation. The Governor’s Office will assist British nationals
in cases of genuine emergency wherever possible, but you should be aware that the
full range of Consular Services offered by a Diplomatic or Consular mission cannot
be provided.
International bank with ATM facilities available in larger populated areas. All major
credit cards are accepted in hotels, restaurants and local shops. The local currency
is the Cayman Islands Dollar (KYD) however the US dollar (USD) is widely accepted
throughout the islands. The KYD is fixed to the USD at 1.25 USD = 1.00 KYD.
All vessels arriving in the Cayman Islands must first proceed to port of George Town
on Grand Cayman or Cayman Brac port for Customs clearance. Details of Cayman Island
Customs regulations can be found at
Spare Parts:
If spare parts are delivered by courier to the consignee at the Customs Office of
the port, the spare parts will not attract duty. If the spare parts are collected
by the consignee at the Customs warehouse, they will attract duty unless the consignee
indicates the parts are for a visiting vessel and Customs verifies the transfer of
the parts to the vessel.
Further information, if required, available from Jeff Jackson, Collector of Customs.
[email protected]
Any passenger or crew disembarking the vessel, and not returning to the vessel prior
to its departure from the Cayman Islands to continue their journey, must be escorted
by a Purser to the Immigration and Customs Office at the cruise terminal with the
relevant documents, e.g. passport, airline ticket, LoE or letter explaining reason
of travel/disembarkation, etc.
Every person arriving in the Cayman Islands is required to produce for inspection
by an immigration officer a passport or some other valid document establishing their
identity and nationality or place of permanent residence. This should be valid beyond
the date of their departure from the Cayman Islands.
Proof of citizenship or residence may be established by producing a photo identification
together with a certified copy of a birth certificate, or a naturalisation certificate.
Persons from certain countries will also be required to possess a valid visa for the
Cayman Islands. No visas are required for a stay up to six months by nationals of
western Europe and the United States. Visas can be issued on arrival if required.
Head Office:
Port Authority of the Cayman Islands, PO Box 1358 GT, 45A Harbour Drive, George Town,
KYI 1008, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands.
Tel: +1 345 949 2055.
Fax: +1 345 949 5820.
[email protected]
Contact: Paul W Hurlston, Port Director.
[email protected]