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China Flag of China

Pre Arrival:  Charts | Documents
Arrival:  Approaches
Communications:  Pratique | VTS/Radar
Pollution:  Pollution
Facilities:  Medical | Fuel
Security:  Emergency | Piracy | Regs
Local Info:  Time | Holidays | Notices
Shore:  Banks
Crew:  Leave | Repatriation
Report:  Report
General Information for China
Capital City: Beijing. 39° 55.00′ N, 116° 23.00′ E
Nationality: (noun) Chinese (singular and plural), (adjective) Chinese.
Population: 1,394,015,977 (July 2020).
International Direct Dial Code: 86.
Number of Internal Airports: 507 (2013).
Major Languages Spoken: Standard Chinese or Mandarin (official; Putonghua, based on the Beijing dialect), Yue (Cantonese), Wu (Shanghainese), Minbei (Fuzhou), Minnan (Hokkien-Taiwanese), Xiang, Gan, Hakka dialects and minority languages (see Ethnic groups entry).
Currency: 1 Yuan Renminbi (CNY) of 10 Jiao.
Exchange Rates:  (as of February 2021)
USD 1.00 = CNY 6.46
CNY 1.00 = USD 0.15
Exchange rates under licence from XE.com
Main Industries: Mining, ore processing, iron, steel, aluminum, other metals, coal, machine building, armaments, textiles, apparel, petroleum, cement, chemicals, fertilizer, consumer products including footwear, toys, electronics, food processing, transportation equipment, including automobiles, railcars, locomotives, ships, aircraft, telecommunications equipment, commercial space launch vehicles and satellites.
Agricultural Products: Rice, wheat, potatoes, corn, tobacco, peanuts, tea, apples, cotton, pork, mutton, eggs, fish and shrimp.
Imports: Electrical, other machinery, integrated circuits, other computer components, oil, mineral fuels, optical, medical equipment, metal ores, motor vehicles and soybeans.
Exports: Electrical, other machinery, computers, telecommunications equipment, apparel, furniture and textiles.
Commodities: Crude: Production 3,773,000 bbl/d. Exports 57,310 bbl/d. Imports 6,710,000 bbl/d. Reserves 25,630,000,000 bbl. Products: Production 11,510,000 bbl/d. Exports 848,400 bbl/d. Imports 1,160,000 bbl/d. LNG: Production 145,900,000,000 cu.m.. Exports 3,370,000,000 cu.m.. Imports 97,630,000,000 cu.m.. Reserves 5,440,000,000,000 cu.m..
Territorial Sea: 12 n.m.
Contiguous Zone: Contiguous Zone: 24 n.m. Continental Shelf: 200 n.m. Exclusive Economic Zone: 200 n.m.
Coastline Extent: 14,500 km.
Climate: Extremely diverse; tropical in south to subarctic in north.
Natural Resources: Coal, iron ore, helium, petroleum, natural gas, arsenic, bismuth, cobalt, cadmium, ferrosilicon, gallium, germanium, hafnium, indium, lithium, mercury, tantalum, tellurium, tin, titanium, tungsten, antimony, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, selenium, strontium, vanadium, magnetite, aluminum, lead, zinc, rare earth elements, uranium, hydropower potential and arable land.
Natural Hazards: Frequent typhoons (about five per year along southern and eastern coasts), damaging floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, droughts, land subsidence and China contains some historically active volcanoes including Changbaishan (also known as Baitoushan, Baegdu, or P'aektu-san), Hainan Dao, and Kunlun although most have been relatively inactive in recent centuries.
Terrain: Mostly mountains, high plateaus, deserts in west; plains, deltas, and hills in east.
Average Temperatures: 
Month High Low
January 1° C -10° C
June 30° C 18° C
September 25° C 15° C
CHARTS:  Local Charts and Notices to Mariners are published by the Navigation Guarantee Department of the Chinese Navy Headquarters. Chart index and NTM available to view/download at
DOCUMENTS:  Submission of Customs documentation is possible electronically through the China maritime single window system China E-Port. Available to registered users, in Chinese, at www.chinaport.gov.cn
Crew List:  Crew member’s short name must not be inserted into the required Crew Lists. The name on the Crew List must match the name stated in the crew member’s passport. If Chinese crew, record the crew member’s Chinese name under the English spelling. Chinese/Ukrainian/Lithuanian/Polish crew should have their seaman’s book number and not passport number filled in the appropriate column.
Cargo Manifests:  Except for force majeure, the Agents of inbound ships shall transmit the electronic data of manifests to the Customs according to Customs requirements within 24 hours after the ship arrives at a Chinese port, while the Agents of outbound ships shall transmit such electronic data to the Customs within 72 hours after the ship departs from port.
Agents of inbound and outbound ships shall transmit the following electronic data of manifests in the specified formats: name and number of means of transport, nationality, loading port, destination port, Bill of Lading (Waybill) number, consignee or consignor, name of goods, number and weight of goods, container number, container size, etc.
Export Transshipment:  For goods under export transshipment with Bills of Lading or Waybills to be loaded on domestic means of transport, the consignor or agent should go through export clearance formalities with Customs at the place of dispatch before the transport agent enters and submits to the Customs at the place of dispatch the following documents:
  1. Declaration Form for Export Goods Transferred Between Customs of the People's Republic of China
  2. electronic or paper manifest by outbound means of transport; and
  3. Record of Goods Carried by Automobiles or Vessel Supervision Record.
After verification and approval, Customs at the place of dispatch will issue Notice of Transshipment of Exported Goods. The Customs at the place of exit will inspect and verify the above-mentioned documents before going through the outbound formalities for the goods under transshipment.
Further Customs information available at www.customs.gov.cn
Port State Control/Coast Guard:  Vessels requiring Port State Control Clearance will be required to supply the following on arrival:
   Annual Test Certificates (406 mHz EPIRB)
1 Approved Stability Information
1 Cargo Gear Record Book
1 Cargo Securing Manual
1 Class Survey Certificate (report file including enhanced survey where required)
1 Document of Compliance (dangerous/hazardous cargo)
   Documentation pertaining to dangerous/hazardous cargo carried
1 Garbage Management Plan and Record Book
1 Last Port State Control Inspection Certificate
1 Load/Discharge Plan
   Officers and Crew Certificates of Competency (including STCW endorsements and professional certificates)
1 Official Log Book (record of all drills carried out)
1 Oil Record Book
1 Radio Maintenance Agreement (shore based Agreement)
   Ship's Certificates
The following may also be required:
1 Emergency Fire Pump Records
1 Emergency Generator Records (no blackout)
1 Emergency Steering Records
1 Engine Room Fire Flap/Damper Records
1 Lifeboat Engine Records
1 Oily Water Separator Records
Also see Pratique.
APPROACHES:  There are areas of disputed territory between China and other countries in the South China Sea. Mariners should be vigilant and avoid disputed areas.
Details of Ship’s Routeing and Ship Reporting systems is available to view and download at the China MSA website at en.msa.gov.cn
Bohai Sea:  Specific to vessels bound to/from ports within the Bohai Sea.
The Ship Routeing System of the Laotie Shan Channel (Provisional):  (Reference charts: Chinese Charts No. 11910, 10011, 11010, 11300, 10116 and 10112 .)
1. The Separation Zone:
1.1 The separation zone, 9 n.m. long, 1 n.m. wide, is centred upon the line connecting the following geographical positions:
1.1.1 38° 34.30′ N, 120° 55.90′ E
1.1.2 38° 29.80′ N, 121° 05.90′ E.
2. The Traffic Separation Scheme:
2.1 The north limit of the traffic separation scheme is the line connecting the following geographical positions:
2.1.1 38° 36.70′ N, 120° 57.60′ E
2.1.2 38° 32.20′ N, 121° 07.60′ E.
2.2 The south limit of the traffic separation scheme is the line connecting the following geographical positions:
2.2.1 38° 31.90′ N, 120° 54.10′ E
2.2.2 38° 27.50′ N, 121° 04.10′ E.
2.3 The traffic lane for westbound traffic, 9 n.m. long, 2.25 n.m. wide, is established between the separation zone and the north limit of the traffic separation scheme. The main traffic direction is 300°(T).
2.4 The traffic lane for eastbound traffic, 9 n.m. long, 2.25 n.m. wide, is established between the separation zone and the south limit of the traffic separation scheme. The main traffic direction is 120°(T).
3. The Precautionary Area:
The precautionary area is the area with the geographical position 38° 36.40′ N, 120° 51.30′ E as centre and 5 n.m. in radius.
4. Special Regulations:
4.1 A vessel using the Ship Routeing System of the Laotieshan Channel should comply with this Ship Routeing System.
4.2 A vessel using the Ship Routeing System of the Laotieshan Channel should comply with the regulations on the Part B, Rule 10 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972.
4.3 A vessel using the Ship Routeing System of the Laotieshan Channel shall keep watch on VHF Channel 10 and/or 16, and comply with the Regulations of The Supervision and Management on The Vessel Traffic Management System Safety of The Dalian Maritime Safety Administration of The People’s Republic of China.
4.4 A vessel using the Ship Routeing System of the Laotieshan Channel shall not cross the traffic lane, but if obliged to do so shall report to the Dalian VTS in advance, then do the crossing after permission.
4.5 A vessel proceeding into and out of the precautionary area and in the precautionary area shall navigate with particular caution and shall use good seamanship.
4.6 A vessel, as well as the relevant crews, violating these Regulations shall be punished by the competent authority in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
The Ship Reporting System of the Laotie Shan Channel (Provisional): 
1. Categories of Ships Required to Participate in the System: The following vessel types shall participate in the reporting system:
1.1 passenger ships
1.2 other ships of 300 g.t. and above
1.3 ships under 300 g.t. and voluntarily using this Reporting System.
2. Geographical Coverage of the System and the Numbers & Editions of the Reference Charts used for the Delineation of the System:
2.1 The waters covered by the Ship Reporting System is the water area centred on Laotieshan Lighthouse (38° 43.62′ N, 121° 08.03′ E) and 20 n.m. in radius.
2.2 The relevant Chinese charts are Nos, 10011, 10112, 10116, 11010, 11300 and 11910.
3. Format, Content and Requirement for Submitting Reports:
3.1 Format: The format for reporting is as set forth in Paragraph 2 of the Appendix to Assembly resolution A.851 (20).IMO.
3.2 Content:
A. Name of ship, call sign and IMO number (if applicable)
C or D. Position (latitude and longitude or in relation to a landmark)
E. Course
F. Speed
G. Port of departure
I. Port of destination
O. Defects and limitation (vessels towing are to report length of tow and name of object in tow)
U. Overall length and gross tonnage.
3.3 Requirement:
3.3.1 Participating vessels are to report the vessel nationality and type to Dalian VTS in addition to the information required in paragraph 3.2.
3.3.2 When a participating vessel leaves the reporting water area, it shall report ship’s name.
3.3.3 When being involved in any traffic or pollution incident within the reporting area, the vessel(s) shall immediately report the type, time, and location of the incident, extent of damage or pollution, and whether assistance is needed. The vessel(s) shall provide any additional information related to the incident, as required by the competent authority.
4. Authorities and Report-receiving Authority:
4.1 The competent authority is Liaoning Maritime Safety Administration, China.
4.2 The report-receiving authority is Dalian VTS.
5. Information to be Provided to Ships:
Dalian VTS, where appropriate, will provide participating vessels with information such as vessel traffic, abnormal weather conditions, and maritime safety information.
6. The Working Channel and Language Required by the Reporting System:
6.1 The working VHF Channel of Dalian VTS is Channel 10.
6.2 The language used for reports in the system will be Mandarin and English. Marine communication phrases in a prescribed format will be used in radiotelephony communications.
7. Shore-based Facilities to Support Operations of the System:
7.1 Dalian VTS Centre is comprised of radar, VHF communication, information processing and display, information transmission, recording, replay, and meteorological sensors. Its functions are data collection, evaluation and processing of information, information provision, traffic organisation, navigation assistance, and support to allied services.
7.2 Dalian VTS maintains a continuous 24-hour watch.
8. Special Regulations:
8.1 A vessel using the Ship Routeing System of the Laotieshan Channel shall keep watch on VHF Channel 10 and\or Channel 16, and comply with the Regulations of The Supervision and Management on The Vessel Traffic Management System Safety of The Dalian Maritime Safety Administration of The People’s Republic of China.
8.2 A vessel using the Ship Routeing System of the Laotieshan Channel shall so far as practicable avoid crossing the traffic lane, but if obliged to do so shall report to the Dalian VTS in advance, then do the crossing after permission.
8.3 Any vessels disobeying this Reporting System shall be punished by the competent authority in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
Also see Piracy.
PRATIQUE:  Quarantine and clearance documentation can be submitted to China Inspection and Quarantine Services (W: www.ciq.net.cn ) electronically, by registered users, in Chinese, at www.eciq.gov.cn
Mosquito Eradication Certificate (MEC):  Vessels arriving from Nigeria, Peru and Brazil (except Alagoas, Ceara, Paraiba, Pemambuco, Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe states), shall have a valid MEC prior to calling at any Chinese ports. Vessels without an MEC are required to implement vector control measures for mosquito eradication.
VTS/RADAR:  Vessel Traffic Service user guides are available to view/download at the China MSA website, at en.msa.gov.cn
Communications are in Mandarin and Cantonese (Guangzhou) and foreign language English.
Beichangshan VTS:  Works on VHF Channels 8 and 9. Changshan VTS Station: T: +86 (535) 399 4457, 399 4487. F: +86 (535) 399 4487.
Caofeidian VTS:  Caofeidian VTS Centre. T: +86 (315) 882 1881, 885 6206. F: +86 (315) 882 1882. VHF Channel 8 (working).
Cheng Shan Jiao VTS:  Cheng Shan Jiao VTS Centre. T: +86 (631) 783 6072, 783 3170. F: +86 (631) 783 3170. VHF Channels 8 and 9 (working) and 65 (secondary).
Fujian VTS:  Fujian VTS Co-ordination Centre: T: +86 (591) 8383 8801. F: +86 (591) 8383 8820.
Fuzhou VTS Centre: T: +86 (591) 8368 4018. F: +86 (591) 8398 5000. VHF Channels 12 (calling) and 23 (working).
Quanzhou VTS Centre: T: +86 (595) 2256 5013. F: +86 (595) 2808 0847. VHF Channels 69 (calling) and 65 (working). Meizhouwan VTS area VHF Channels 10 (calling) and 65 (working).
Xiamen VTS Centre: T: +86 (592) 689 5123. F: +86 (592) 689 5262. VHF Channels 67 (calling) and 27 (working). Xiamenwan VTS area VHF Channels 8 (calling) and 27/28 (working).
Guangzhou VTS:  Guangzhou VTS Centre: T: +84 (20) 8227 2372, 8228 0556. F: +86 (20) 8228 0564, 8235 4209. [email protected] VHF Channel 8 (working (inside Humen Bridge)), 9 (working (outside Humen Bridge)) and auxiliary working VHF Channels 1, 21 and 64.
Huanghua VTS:  Huanghua VTS Centre: VHF Channel 8 (working).
Jiangsu VTS:  Works on VHF Channels 6 (bridge to bridge) and 69 (communications). Lianyungang VTS Station. T: +86 (518) 8223 1894, 8223 1904. F: +86 (518) 8231 0309. Works on VHF Channel 69.
Nanjing VTS Station: T: +86 (25) 5880 4783. F: +86 (25) 5880 4783. Works on VHF Channels 10 and 11.
Nantong VTS Station: T: +86 (513) 8115 0062, 8115 0063, 8352 9347. F: +86 (513) 8115 0061. Works on VHF Channels 10 and 11.
Taizhou VTS Station: T: +86 (523) 8698 1395, 8639 8227, 8668 7600. F: +86 (523) 8639 8227. Works on VHF Channels 9 (contact) and 69.
Jiangyin VTS Station: T: +86 (510) 8685 6348, 8684 7964. F: +86 (510) 8685 3912. Works on VHF Channels 9 (contact) and 69.
Zhangjiagang VTS Station: T: +86 (512) 8250 9300, 8250 9301, 5833 0432. F: +86 (512) 5893 1992. Works on VHF Channels 10 (contact) and 69.
Zhenjiang VTS Station: T: +86 (511) 8528 6914, 8530 6110. F: +86 (511) 8530 6100. Works on VHF Channels 9 and 10.
Jingtang VTS:  Jingtang VTS Centre: T: +86 (315) 291 3211. F: +86 (315) 291 4963. [email protected] VHF Channel 12 (working).
Lianyungang VTS:  Lianyungang VTS Centre: VHF Channel 66 (working) and 69 (navigational warnings).
Ningbo VTS:  Ningbo VTS Centre: T: +86 (574) 8680 1547. F: +86 (574) 8680 1546. VHF Channels 6 (Zone one), 8 (Zone two) and 20 (working).
Qinhuangdao VTS:  Qinhuangdao VTS Centre: T: +86 (335) 309 4832, 309 3164. F: +86 (335) 341 1866, 309 7464. VHF Channels 8 (working).
Shenzhen VTS:  Shenzhen VTS Centre: T: +86 (755) 8379 7011, 8379 7110. F: +86 (755) 8379 7076. Eastern Sector: VHF Channels 74 (working) and 68 (auxiliary). Western Channel: VHF Channels 69 (working) and 72 (auxiliary). VHF Channel 65 used for back up.
Tianjin VTS:  Tianjin VTS Centre: VHF Channels 9 and 65 (both working).
Wuhan VTS:  Wuhan VTS Centre: T: +86 (27) 12395 (SAR), 8283 3783, 8276 4665. F: +86 (27) 8276 4658. www.wuhanmsa.gov.cn VHF Channels 84 (reporting) and 6 (communications).
Wuhu VTS:  Wuhu VTS Centre: T: +86 (553) 384 7073, 12395 (alarm). F: +86 (553) 371 6075. VHF Channels 4, 6 and 10 (all working).
Wusong VTS:  Wusong VTS Centre: VHF Channels 8, 9, 19, 26, 27, 71 (all working) and 65 (spare).
Xiamen VTS:  Xiamen VTS Centre: T: +86 (592) 689 5123. F: +86 (592) 689 5262.
Yangshan VTS:  Yangshan Deep Water Port VTS Centre: T: +86 (21) 5807 3447. F: +86 (21) 6828 7197. VHF Channels 13 (working).
Yantai VTS:  Yantaishan VTS Centre: T: +86 (535) 621 6365, 622 6477. F: +86 (535) 621 6365. VHF Channels 9 (calling) and 6 (working).
Yingkou VTS:  Yingkou VTS Centre: T: +86 (417) 615 1427, 615 4182. F: +86 (417) 626 9564. Approaches VHF Channels 69 (calling) and 65 (working). Panjin district VHF Channel 9 (working). Yingkou port district VHF Channel 10 (working).
Zhanjiang VTS:  Zhanjiang VTS Station: T: +86 (759) 222 2090, 220 8080. F: +86 (759) 227 1961. VHF Channels 8 (calling) and 65 (working).
POLLUTION:  Chinese Ship Pollution Response Organisation Contracts (SPRO):  Regulations in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) relating to the Prevention and Control of Marine Pollution from Ships first came into force on 1 March 2010. The Regulations contain a requirement to pre-contract with an approved Ship Pollution Response Organisation (SPRO). The requirement to pre-contract with an approved SPRO came into force on 1 January 2012. These requirements were modified by revised Detailed Rules published on 14 September 2012 and further revised 12 May 2015.
The regulations require the owners/operators of:
  1. any ship carrying polluting and/or hazardous cargoes in bulk, or
  2. any other vessel above 10,000 g.t.
to enter into a pollution cleanup contract with a Ship Pollution Response Organisation (SPRO) before the vessel enters a PRC port.
The requirements do not apply to Hong Kong or Macau or inland waterways in China PRC except sea ports in Nantong. Neither do they apply to vessels below 10,000 g.t. carrying LNG or petroleum products, nor when on a ballast voyage.
Background:  The implementation of robust maritime pollution regulations was necessitated by a steady increase of oil pollution incidents. China has experienced a number of high profile oil spills including the bunker spill from the Zoorik in 2009, the pipeline spill in Dalian in 2010 and a series of wellhead spills in Bohai Bay in 2011.
The rise of shipping in Chinese waters has outgrown the publicly funded facilities required to respond to a maritime pollution incident. The Chinese government is adopting the polluter pays principle and expects the shipping industry to contribute privately towards the material resources required to cover China’s 8,000 n.m. coastline.
In the past the China Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) have shouldered the burden of dealing with pollution clean up; however, on a number of occasions it has failed to recover clean up costs as a result of owners successfully limiting their liability. By requiring ship owners and operators to enter into retained contractual relationships with the response organisations, it is hoped by those response organisations that they will obtain a greater degree of certainty of recovering their costs.
ECAs:  On 4 December 2015, China announced the establishment of ship Emission Control Areas (ECAs) in the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta and the Bohai Bay rim area. Effective 01 January 2019, the geographic scope of China’s sulphur ECAs was expanded to include to a newly-designated Coastal ECA for all sea areas and ports within China’s territorial sea, as well as a specially designated ECA in China’s southernmost province of Hainan (the Hainan Coastal ECA). In addition, two Inland ECAs have been designated which include parts of the Yangtze River and the Xi Jiang River.
Supplementary to MARPOL Annex VI regulations: 
  1. From 1 January 2018, all ports within control areas shall implement requirements for use of fuel with 0.5% m/m sulphur content or below when ships are alongside or at anchor.
  2. From 1 January 2019, ships entering into control areas shall use fuel with 0.5% m/m sulphur content or below.
  3. Effective 1 July 2019, vessels (other than tankers) capable of receiving shore power must use shore power if they berth for more than 3 hours in ports in the Coastal ECA that have shore power capabilities and more than 2 hours in ports with such capabilities in the Inland ECAs.
  4. From 1 January 2020, vessels entering Inland ECAs (Yangtze River and Xi Jiang River) must use fuel with a sulphur content not exceeding 0.10% while operating within the Inland ECA.
  5. From 1 January 2022, vessels must use fuel with a sulphur content not exceeding 0.10% while operating within the Hainan Coastal ECA.
China may implement stricter fuel quality requirements; under consideration is the implementation of a 0.10% sulphur cap in the Coastal ECA from 1 January 2025.
Maritime Pollution Control Regional Centres: 
  • Changjiang MSA, No. 1525, Hankoujiefang Road, Wuhan, Changjiang 430016. T: +86 (27) 8241 2784. F: +86 (27) 8242 6348.
  • Fujian MSA, No. 116 South Xi'erhuan Road, Fuzhou, Fujian 350004, China. T: +86 (591) 8383 8820. F: +86 (591) 8383 8302.
  • Guangdong MSA, No. 520 Binjiang East Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510230, China. T: +86 (20) 3429 8277, 3429 8379. F: +86 (20) 3429 1384.
  • Guangxi MSA, No. 18 Jinpu Road, Nanning, Guangxi 530028, China. T: +86 (771) 553 1110. F: +86 (771) 553 2525.
  • Hainan MSA, No. 137 Binhai Road, Haikou, Hainan 570311, China. T: +86 (898) 6865 3899. F: +86 (898) 6866 6231.
  • Hebei MSA, No. 10 Changcheng Huan Road, Qinhuangdao, Hebei 066004, China. T: +86 (335) 369 6506. F: +86 (335) 369 6809.
  • Heilongjiang MSA, No. 110 Yimian Street, Daoli District, Haerbin, Heilongjiang 150010, China. T: +86 (451) 8891 2429. F: +86 (451) 8891 2391.
  • Jiangsu MSA, No. 238 Zhongyang Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210009, China. T: +86 (25) 8327 9620. F: +86 (25) 8327 9613.
  • Liaoning MSA, No. 25 Changjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Dalian, Liaoning 116001, China. T: +86 (411) 8263 5487. F: +86 (411) 8280 6614.
  • Shandong MSA, No. 21 Wuxia Road, Qingdao, Shandong 266002, China. T: +86 (532) 8265 4437. F: +86 (532) 8667 1077.
  • Shanghai MSA, No. 190 Siping Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, Shanghai 200086, China. T: +86 (21) 5393 1419. F: +86 (21) 5393 1549.
  • Tianjin MSA, No. 369 South Jiefang Road, Hexi District, Tianjin 300211, China. T: +86 (22) 5887 6995. F: +86 (22) 5887 6888.
  • Zhejiang MSA, No. 1 Yeqingdou Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310005. T: +86 (571) 8545 4372. F: +86 (571) 8837 2770.
  • Shenzhen MSA, No. 229 Binghe Road, Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518032, China. T: +86 (755) 8379 7011. F: +86 (755) 8379 7141.
Also see Notices.
MEDICAL:  If you’re on prescription medication, make sure you either bring enough with you, or have access to a supply once in China. Certain medicines may not be available in China, and you may be prohibited from bringing some medicines into the country. For more information and advice, check with your GP and the Embassy of China before travelling.
Depending on which hospital you’re taken to, medical care is generally good in major cities, though some hospitals can be very crowded and waiting times long. Outside major cities, the standard of healthcare is variable; sometimes poor, and disorganised. Healthcare is not provided free of charge in China and medical bills can be high. Medical evacuation from China is very expensive. Make sure you have comprehensive insurance covering healthcare for the duration of your stay.
If you need emergency medical assistance during your trip, dial 120 and ask for an ambulance. Ambulances can be very slow to arrive and may not have trained responders. You should contact your insurance/medical assistance company promptly if you’re referred to a medical facility for treatment.
The high levels of air pollution in major urban and industrialised areas in China may aggravate bronchial, sinus or asthma conditions. Children, the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions may be especially affected.
It is not unusual for guests to consume large quantities of strong alcohol served at business dinners in China. On rare occasions this has led to severe illness or even death. Fake alcohol is also sometimes sold in bars; this can be more damaging to health than genuine products.
Tap water in China is generally not safe to drink. You should drink only bottled water.
Dengue fever is present in some parts of China mainly during the rainy season. There has been a large increase in cases of dengue fever in Guangdong province. You should take appropriate precautions to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.
Maritime Telemedical Assistance Service:  In operation in international waters in South China Sea bounded by 10° N and 120° E. Operated by Port Health Officer, MRCC Hong Kong. Call sign “Hong Kong Marine Rescue”/VRC, on DSC A1, A2 and A3/4. MMSI 004773500. T: +852 2233 7999. F: +852 2541 7714. Inmarsat C: 447735011=MRCCX. [email protected]
FUEL:  Implementation Scheme of the Global Marine Fuel Oil Sulphur Limit by 2020.
  1. From 01 January 2020, the sulphur content of any fuel oil used on ships engaged in international voyages entering the waters under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China shall not exceed 0.50%m/m (herein after referred to as ``the compliant fuel oil''). The fuel oil in this scheme refers to any fuel oil delivered to and intended for combustion purposes for propulsion or operation on board a ship, including distillate and residual fuels.
  2. From 01 January 2020, the sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board ships on international voyages shall not exceed 0.1% m/m when operating in the inland river emission control area. From 01 January 2022, the sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board ships on international voyages shall not exceed 0.1% m/m when operating in the coastal emission control area in Hainan waters.
  3. From 01 March 2020, the sulphur content of any fuel oil carried for use on board that ship on international voyages shall not exceed 0.50% m/m (herein after referred to as ``non-compliant fuel'' for sulphur content exceeding 0.50%) when operating in waters under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China.
  4. Ships on international voyages with equivalent requirements in their alternative measures which comply with Article 4 of MARPOL Annex VI could be exempt from the requirements of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 herein.
The above ``alternative measures'' refer to any fittings, apparatus or alternative fuels which are at least as effective in terms of emission reductions as required above. 01 January 2020, the wash water of open-loop exhaust gas cleaning systems should not be discharged into waters of DECAs.
Maritime Search and Rescue Regional Centres: 
Maritime Search and Rescue Head Office: 
  • China Search and Rescue Center, No. 11 Jianguomennei Avenue, Beijing City, Beijing 100736, China. T: +86 (10) 6529 2221. F: +86 (10) 6529 2245.
  • Changjiang Search and Rescue Center, No. 1525, Hankoujiefang Road, Wuhan, Changjiang 430016. T: +86 (27) 8241 2784. F: +86 (27) 8242 6348, 8241 8021.
  • Fujian Search and Rescue Center, No. 116 South Xi'erhuan Road, Fuzhou, Fujian 350004, China. T: +86 (591) 8383 8801. F: +86 (591) 8383 8820.
  • Guangdong Search and Rescue Center, No. 19 Jianshe Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510060, China. T: +86 (20) 8333 4384. F: +86 (20) 8316 0900.
  • Guangxi Search and Rescue Center, No. 18 Jinpu Road, Nanning, Guangxi 530028, China. T: +86 (771) 553 1110. F: +86 (771) 553 2525, 553 7517.
  • Hainan Search and Rescue Center, No. 137 Binhai Road, Haikou, Hainan 570311, China. T: +86 (898) 6865 3899. F: +86 (898) 6866 6231.
  • Hebei Search and Rescue Center, No. 10 Changcheng Huan Road, Qinhuangdao, Hebei 066004, China. T: +86 (335) 369 6505. F: +86 (335) 369 6809.
  • Heilongjiang Search and Rescue Center, No. 110 Yimian Street, Daoli District, Haerbin, Heilongjiang 150010, China. T: +86 (451) 8891 2429. F: +86 (451) 8891 2331.
  • Jiangsu Search and Rescue Center, No. 238 Zhongyang Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210009, China. T: +86 (25) 8327 9620. F: +86 (25) 8327 9613, 8327 9663.
  • Liaoning Search and Rescue Center, No. 25 Changjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Dalian, Liaoning 116001, China. T: +86 (411) 8263 5487. F: +86 (411) 8262 2230.
  • Shandong Search and Rescue Center, No. 21 Wuxia Road, Qingdao, Shandong 266002, China. T: +86 (532) 8265 4437. F: +86 (532) 8265 4497, 8667 1077.
  • Shanghai Search and Rescue Center, No. 190 Siping Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, Shanghai 200080, China. T: +86 (21) 5393 1419. F: +86 (21) 5393 1420.
  • Tianjin Search and Rescue Center, No. 369 South Jiefang Road, Hexi District, Tianjin 300211, China. T: +86 (22) 5887 6815, 5887 0618, 5887 6995. F: +86 (22) 5887 6635, 5887 0600, 5887 6888. [email protected] [email protected]
  • Zhejiang Search and Rescue Center, No. 1 Yeqingdou Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310005. T: +86 (571) 8545 4372. F: +86 (571) 8545 4810, 8837 2770.
Maritime Safety Agency Local Offices: 
  • Anqing MSA: No. 200 Huxin Nan Road, Anqing, Anhui Province 246003, China. T: +86 (556) 521 7255. F: +86 (556) 521 7255. [email protected]
  • Bei Hai MSA: No. 23 Beibuwan West Road, Beihai, Guangxi Province 536000, China. T: +86 (779) 308 5538. F: +86 (779) 308 5536. [email protected]
  • Cangzhou MSA: Yingbin Road, Huanghua City, Hebei Province 061100, China. T: +86 (317) 578 6531. F: +86 (317) 578 6532. [email protected]
  • Caofeidian MSA: Caofeidian Zone, Tangshan City, Hebei Province 063200, China. T: +86 (315) 536 6219. F: +86 (315) 536 6213. [email protected]
  • Changshu MSA: Fuhua Road, Bixi Town, Changshu, Jiangsu Province 215513, China. T: +86 (512) 5269 0675. F: +86 (512) 5229 1267. [email protected]
  • Changzhou MSA: No. 2 Wenyuan Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province 213022, China. T: +86 (519) 8985 6505. F: +86 (519) 8985 6503. [email protected]
  • Dalian MSA: No. 29 Changjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Dalian, Liaoning Province 116001, China. T: +86 (411) 8262 2458. F: +86 (411) 8262 6071. [email protected]
  • Dandong MSA: No. 2 Dazhong South Road, Zhenxing District, Dandong, Liaoning Province 118000, China. T: +86 (415) 319 6318. F: +86 (415) 319 6375. [email protected]
  • Dongguan MSA: Service Building of the Central Service Area of Humen Port, Gangkou Avenue (Shatian Section), Dongguan, Guangdong Province 523990, China. T: +86 (769) 8279 3108. F: +86 (769) 8279 3148. [email protected]
  • Fangchenggang MSA: No. 38 Youyi Road, Gangkou District, Fangchenggang, Guangxi Province 538001, China. T: +86 (770) 282 3141. F: +86 (770) 282 5110. [email protected]
  • Fuzhou MSA: No. 35 Harbor Road, Mawei District, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China. T: +86 (591) 8398 4003. F: +86 (591) 8368 3543. [email protected]
  • Guangzhou MSA: No. 7 Lixiang Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province 510700, China. T: +86 (20) 8235 4837. F: +86 (20) 8235 4331. [email protected]
  • Haikou MSA: No. 137 Binhai Road, Haikou, Hainan Province 570311, China. Tel: +86 (898) 6862 6030. Fax: +86 (898) 6862 6040. [email protected]
  • Huizhou MSA: No. 12 Anhui Avenue Dayawan, Huizhou, Guangdong Province 516081, China. T: +86 (752) 556 6517. F: +86 (752) 556 6517. [email protected]
  • Jiangyin MSA: No. 207 Binjiang Middle Road, Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province 214431, China. T: +86 (510) 8684 7931. F: +86 (510) 8684 7951. [email protected]
  • Jiaxing MSA: No. 790 Huayuan Road, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province 314001, China. T: +86 (573) 8287 3836. F: +86 (573) 8287 3835. [email protected]
  • Jinzhou MSA: No. 20 Nanjing Road, 4th Quarter, Linghe District, Dandong, Liaoning Province 121000, China. T: +86 (416) 358 6100. F: +86 (416) 358 6100. [email protected]
  • Maoming MSA: No. 6 Shuang Shanqi Road, Maoming, Guangdong Province 525400, China. T: +86 (668) 399 0266. F: +86 (668) 399 0308. [email protected]
  • Nanjing MSA: No. 3 Jiangbian Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 210011, China. T: +86 (25) 8352 0531. F: +86 (25) 8352 0619. [email protected]
  • Nantong MSA: No. 90 Shanshui Road, Nantong, Jiangsu Province 226005, China. T: +86 (513) 8115 0075. F: +86 (513) 8115 0073. [email protected]
  • Ningbo MSA: No. 355 Renmin Road, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province 315020, China. T: +86 (574) 8766 9280. F: +86 (574) 8766 9280. [email protected]
  • Ningde MSA: No. 121 JiaoCheng Nan Road, Ningde City, Fujian Province 351200, China. T: +86 (593) 292 9368. F: +86 (315) 292 8876. [email protected]
  • Putian MSA: No. 128 Houxiang Nan Road, Chengxiang District, Putian City, Fujian Province 351100, China. T: +86 (594) 252 6583. F: +86 (594) 252 6583. [email protected]
  • Qingdao MSA: No.1 Ningbo Road, Qingdao, Shandong Province 266002, China. T: +86 (532) 8667 1268. F: +86 (532) 8667 1265. [email protected]
  • Qinhuangdao MSA: No. 75 Haibin Road, Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province 066002, China. T: +86 (335) 536 5573. F: +86 (335) 536 5574. [email protected]
  • Qinzhou MSA: No. 103 Penglai South Avenue, Qinzhou, Guangxi Province 535000, China. T: +86 (777) 239 2897. F: +86 (777) 239 2897. [email protected]
  • Quanzhou MSA: Haishi Building, Quanan Nan Road, Jinjiang, Quanzhou, Fujian Province, China. T: +86 (595) 2808 0829. F: +86 (595) 2808 0830. [email protected]
  • Rizhao MSA: Beijing Road, Rizhao, Shandong Province 276826, China. T: +86 (633) 838 5428. F: +86 (633) 838 5428. [email protected]
  • Shantou MSA: No. 47 Haibin Road, Jinping District, Shantou, Guangdong Province 515011, China. T: +86 (754) 8890 0150. F: +86 (754) 8890 0150. [email protected]
  • Shenzhen MSA: No. 2031, Binhe Road, Maritime Safety Centre, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province 518032, China. T: +86 (755) 8379 7062, 8379 7011. F: +86 (755) 8379 7062, 8379 7076. [email protected]
  • Taicang MSA: No. 32 Taiping North Road, Taicang, Jiangsu Province 215400, China. T: +86 (512) 3301 1918. F: +86 (512) 5370 3486. [email protected]
  • Taizhou MSA: No. 316 Gulou South Road, Haining District, Taizhou, Jiangsu Province 225300, China. T: +86 (523) 8668 7631. F: +86 (523) 8639 1095. [email protected]
  • Taizhou MSA: Maritime Building, Baiyunshan West Road, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province 318000, China. T: +86 (576) 8831 2629. F: +86 (576) 8831 1687. [email protected]
  • Tangshan MSA: The Middle Road, Gandfu Street, Harbor Development Zone, Hebei Province 063611, China. T: +86 (315) 536 5041. F: +86 (315) 536 5043. [email protected]
  • Weihai MSA: No. 2 Haibin Road, Weihai, Shandong Province 264200, China. T: +86 (631) 519 0337. F: +86 (631) 519 0311. [email protected]
  • Wenzhou MSA: No. 8 Haishi Road, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province 325000, China. T: +86 (577) 8815 0035. F: +86 (577) 8815 0035. [email protected]
  • Wuhu MSA: No. 5 Beijing Xi Lu, Wuhu, Anhui Province 241000, China. T: +86 (553) 371 6832. F: +86 (553) 371 6832. [email protected]
  • Xiamen MSA: No. 19 Haicang Avenue, Xiamen, Fujian Province 361012, China. T: +86 (592) 689 5301. F: +86 (592) 689 5301. [email protected]
  • Yangzhou MSA: No. 252 Weiyang Road, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province 225009, China. T: +86 (514) 8097 9128. F: +86 (514) 8787 0061. [email protected]
  • Yantai MSA: No. 8 Huanhai Road, Zhifu District, Yantai, Shandong Province 264000, China. T: +86 (535) 668 3633. F: +86 (535) 674 1342. [email protected]
  • Yingkou MSA: No. 10 Qiantangjiang Road, Economy and Technique Developing District, Yingkou, Liaoning Province 115007, China. T: +86 (417) 620 9086. F: +86 (417) 620 9929. [email protected]
  • Zhangjiagang MSA: No. 128 Changjiang Middle Road, Jingang District, Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province 215633, China. T: +86 (512) 8250 9268. F: +86 (512) 8250 9279. [email protected]
  • Zhangzhou MSA: No. 77 Zhaoshang Road, China Merchants Group, Zhangzhou Development Zone, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province 363105, China. T: +86 (596) 685 6637. F: +86 (315) 685 6629. [email protected]
  • Zhanjiang MSA: No. 12 Renming East No. 1 Road, Xiashan District, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province 524001, China. T: +86 (759) 231 6052. F: +86 (759) 231 6050. [email protected]
  • Zhenjiang MSA: No. 8 Changjiang Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province 212002, China. T: +86 (511) 8530 5993. F: +86 (511) 8530 6188. [email protected]
  • Zhoushan MSA: No. 368 South Huan Cheng Road, Dinghai, Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province 316000, China. T: +86 (580) 206 3753. F: +86 (580) 206 3759. [email protected]
  • Zhuhai MSA: No. 15 Qinglu Middle Avenue, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province 519015, China. T: +86 (756) 333 0166. F: +86 (756) 336 5420. [email protected]
PIRACY:  There have been incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships in the South China Sea. The Regional Co-operation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia Information Sharing Centre (ReCAAP ISC) recorded 7 incidents in 2016 and 2 in 2017. See the ReCAAP ISC website, www.icc-ccs.org for updates on incidents and trends.
REGULATIONS:  Chinese national shipping legislation available to view at the China Maritime Safety Administration website at en.msa.gov.cn
TIME:  GMT plus 8 hours.
HOLIDAYS:  1 January (New Year's Day); 2 January (New Year's Day Holiday); Chinese New Year (Second New Moon following the Winter Solstice) (late January or February); 1–3 May (Labour Day); 1 July (CPC Founding Day); 1 August (Army Day); 1–3 October (National Day).
Traditional Holidays:  Lunar Calendar Month 1 Day 1 (Chinese Lunar New Year (Second New Moon following the Winter Solstice Late January or February); Lunar Calendar Month 1 Day 15 (Lantern Festival); 4–5 April (Qing Ming Jie); Lunar Calendar Month 5 Day 5 (Dragon Boat); Lunar Calendar Month 7 Day 7 (Qi Xi); Lunar Calendar Month 7 Day 15 (Ghost Festival); Lunar Calendar Month 8 Day 15 (Mid-Autumn Festival); Lunar Calendar Month 9 Day 9 (Double Ninth Festival).
NOTICES:  Implementation Scheme of the Domestic Emission Control Areas for Atmospheric Pollution from Vessels - Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China on 30 November 2018.
Note:  This English version of Implementation Scheme for DECAs is only for reference, while the documents issued by Ministry of Transport should be used as the official version.
In order to implement the national policies on ecological civilization development, pollution prevention and control, to protect the blue skies, as well as to facilitate the green shipping development and the energy saving and emission reduction of vessels, this Implementation Scheme is formulated in accordance with the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People’s Republic of China and the applicable international conventions, and on the basis of the Implementation Scheme of the Domestic Emission Control Areas for Vessels in the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta and the Bohai-Rim Area (Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei) (JHF[2015]No.177).
1. Objectives:  The Domestic Emission Control Areas for Atmospheric Pollution from Vessels (hereinafter referred to as “DECAs”) are designated to control and reduce emissions of atmospheric pollutants including SOx, NOx, particulate matters (PMs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from vessels and to improve the air quality of coastal areas and inland river port cities.
3. Scope:  The Scheme applies to vessels navigating, berthing and operaitng in the DECA.
4. Geographic Scope of the DECAs:  The DECAs referred to in the Scheme include both the coastal control area and the inland river control area. The coastal control area covers the sea area enclosed by the 60 coordinates listed in Table 1, and the sea area in Hainan waters is enclosed by the 20 coordinates listed in Table 2. The inland river control area is the navigable waters of the main stream of the Yangtze River (from Shuifu, Yunnan to the mouth of the Liuhe River, Jiangsu) and the main stream of the Xijiang River (from Nanning, Guangxito Zhaoqing, Guangdong), the coordinates of the starting and ending points are listed in Table 3.
Table 1: 
  1. 124° 10.10′ N, 039° 49.68′ E
  2. 122° 57.24′ N, 037° 22.19′ E
  3. 122° 57.00′ N, 037° 21.49′ E
  4. 122° 48.30′ N, 036° 53.86′ E
  5. 122° 45.24′ N, 036° 48.42′ E
  6. 122° 40.98′ N, 036° 44.69′ E
  7. 122° 24.60′ N, 036° 35.15′ E
  8. 121° 03.06′ N, 035° 44.74′ E
  9. 120° 12.96′ N, 034° 59.46′ E
  10. 121° 32.40′ N, 033° 28.77′ E
  11. 121° 51.24′ N, 033° 06.32′ E
  12. 122° 26.70′ N, 031° 32.14′ E
  13. 123° 23.52′ N, 030° 49.27′ E
  14. 123° 24.60′ N, 030° 45.86′ E
  15. 123° 09.48′ N, 030° 05.72′ E
  16. 122° 28.44′ N, 028° 47.53′ E
  17. 122° 07.50′ N, 028° 18.97′ E
  18. 122° 06.06′ N, 028° 17.03′ E
  19. 121° 19.20′ N, 027° 21.52′ E
  20. 120° 42.48′ N, 026° 17.54′ E
  21. 120° 36.18′ N, 026° 04.03′ E
  22. 120° 06.96′ N, 025° 18.62′ E
  23. 119° 37.44′ N, 024° 49.53′ E
  24. 118° 23.28′ N, 024° 00.90′ E
  25. 117° 50.52′ N, 023° 23.27′ E
  26. 117° 22.44′ N, 023° 03.09′ E
  27. 117° 19.86′ N, 023° 01.55′ E
  28. 116° 34.92′ N, 022° 45.08′ E
  29. 115° 13.02′ N, 022° 08.05′ E
  30. 114° 02.16′ N, 021° 37.04′ E
  31. 112° 50.88′ N, 021° 22.43′ E
  32. 112° 29.33′ N, 021° 17.21′ E
  33. 111° 27.00′ N, 019° 51.97′ E
  34. 111° 23.70′ N, 019° 46.91′ E
  35. 110° 38.94′ N, 018° 31.18′ E
  36. 110° 37.68′ N, 018° 30.40′ E
  37. 110° 15.12′ N, 018° 16.01′ E
  38. 110° 09.42′ N, 018° 12.76′ E
  39. 109° 45.54′ N, 017° 59.05′ E
  40. 109° 43.08′ N, 017° 59.06′ E
  41. 109° 34.44′ N, 017° 57.30′ E
  42. 109° 03.66′ N, 018° 03.18′ E
  43. 108° 50.70′ N, 018° 08.98′ E
  44. 108° 33.12′ N, 018° 21.13′ E
  45. 108° 31.68′ N, 018° 22.50′ E
  46. 108° 31.14′ N, 018° 23.17′ E
  47. 108° 28.74′ N, 018° 25.58′ E
  48. 108° 24.78′ N, 018° 49.22′ E
  49. 108° 23.34′ N, 019° 12.79′ E
  50. 108° 22.75′ N, 020° 24.08′ E
  51. 108° 12.52′ N, 021° 12.58′ E
  52. 108° 08.08′ N, 021° 16.53′ E
  53. 108° 05.73′ N, 021° 27.14′ E
  54. 108° 05.65′ N, 021° 27.38′ E
  55. 108° 05.66′ N, 021° 27.47′ E
  56. 108° 05.86′ N, 021° 27.66′ E
  57. 108° 05.96′ N, 021° 27.84′ E
  58. 108° 06.03′ N, 021° 28.03′ E
  59. 108° 06.07′ N, 021° 28.21′ E
  60. The end of the centre line of the main waterway of the Beilun River toward the sea side.
    Table 2: 
  • A1 108° 26.41′ N, 019° 24.11′ E
  • A2 109° 20.00′ N, 020° 07.00′ E
  • A3 111° 00.00′ N, 020° 18.53′ E
  • 33 111° 27.00′ N, 019° 51.97′ E
  • 34 111° 23.70′ N, 019° 46.91′ E
  • 35 110° 38.94′ N, 018° 31.18′ E
  • 36 110° 37.68′ N, 018° 30.40′ E
  • 37 110° 15.12′ N, 018° 16.01′ E
  • 38 110° 09.42′ N, 018° 12.76′ E
  • 39 109° 45.54′ N, 017° 59.05′ E
  • 40 109° 43.08′ N, 017° 59.06′ E
  • 41 109° 34.44′ N, 017° 57.30′ E
  • 42 109° 03.66′ N, 018° 03.18′ E
  • 43 108° 50.70′ N, 018° 08.98′ E
  • 44 108° 33.12′ N, 018° 21.13′ E
  • 45 108° 31.68′ N, 018° 22.50′ E
  • 46 108° 31.14′ N, 018° 23.17′ E
  • 47 108° 28.74′ N, 018° 25.58′ E
  • 48 108° 24.78′ N, 018° 49.22′ E
  • 49 108° 23.34′ N, 019° 12.79′ E
    Table 3 - Yangtze River: 
  • B1 104° 24.51′ N, 028° 38.37′ E
  • B2 104° 24.60′ N, 028° 38.46′ E
  • B3 121° 18.90′ N, 031° 30.87′ E
  • B4 121° 22.50′ N, 031° 37.57′ E
    Table 3 - Xijiang River: 
  • B5 108° 18.33′ N, 022° 48.81′ E
  • B6 108° 18.45′ N, 022° 48.66′ E
  • B7 112° 48.50′ N, 023° 08.75′ E
  • B8 112° 47.32′ N, 023° 08.02′ E
5. Control Requirements: 
Emission control requirements for SOx and particulate matters: 
  1. From 1 January 2019, the sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board seagoing vessels operating in the DECAs should not exceed 0.5% m/m; the fuel oil compliant with the newly revised national standards for marine fuels should be used on board large inland waterway vessels and on board vessels engaged in direct voyages between the sea and the river; and the diesel fuel compliant with the national standards should be used on board other inland waterway vessels. From 1 January 2020, the sulphur content of fuel oil used on board seagoing vessels should not exceed 0.1% m/m when operating in the inland river emission control area.
  2. From 1 March 2020, vessels that do not use the alternative arrangement for the control of SOx and PMs should only be loaded with and use the fuel oil as required in this Scheme when operating in the DECAs.
  3. From 1 January 2022, the sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board seagoing vessels should not exceed 0.1% m/m when operating in the coastal emission control area in Hainan waters.
  4. The feasibility study for vessels using the fuel oil with the sulphur content not exceeding 0.1% m/m should be conducted in due course, so as to inform the decision on the implementation of 0.1% m/m sulphur cap for sea-going vessels when operating in the coastal emission control area on and after 1 January 2025.
Emission control requirements for NOx: 
  1. Each marine diesel engine with a power output of more than 130 kW installed on vessels engaged in international voyages constructed on and after 1 January 2000 (according to the date that the keel is laid, similarly hereinafter) or having the marine diesel engine that undergoes a major conversion should meet the Tier I requirements in the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) Annex VI.
  2. Each marine diesel engine with a power output of more than 130 kW installed on vessels engaged in international voyages constructed on and after 1 January 2011 or having the marine diesel engine that undergoes a major conversion should meet the Tier II requirements in MARPOL Annex VI.
  3. Each marine diesel engine with a power output of more than 130 kW installed on Chinese vessels engaged in domestic voyages constructed on and after 1 March 2015 or having the marine diesel engine that undergoes a major conversion should meet the Tier II requirements in MARPOL Annex VI.
  4. Marine diesel engines with a per cylinder displacement at or above 30 litres installed on Chinese vessels engaged in domestic voyages constructed on and after 1 January 2022 or having the marine diesel engine that undergoes a major conversion should meet the Tier III requirements in MARPOL Annex VI when operating in the coastal emission control area in Hainan waters and in the inland river emission control area.
  5. The application of the Tier III requirements of MARPOL Annex VI should be assessed in due course, so as to inform the decision on the implementation of the Tier III requirements for marine diesel engines with a per cylinder displacement at or above 30 litres installed on Chinese vessels engaged in domestic voyages constructed on and after 1 January 2025 or having the marine diesel engine that undergoes a major conversion.
Requirements for the use of shore power for vessels at berth: 
  1. Chinese public service vessels, inland waterway vessels (except for tankers) and vessels engaged in direct voyages between the sea and the river constructed on and after 1 January 2019 should have onboard devices for the use of shore power. The Chinese container vessels, cruise ships, Ro-Ro passenger ships, passenger ships of 3,000 g.t. and above as well as dry bulk cargo ships at 50,000 g.t. level and above engaged in domestic coastal voyages constructed on and after 1 January 2020 should have onboard devices for the use of shore power.
  2. From 1 July 2019, existing ships (except for tankers) with onboard devices for the use of shore power should use the shore power when berthing at a berth with shore power supply capabilities inside the coastal emission control area for more than 3 hours, or inside the inland river emission control area for more than 2 hours without using other alternative or equivalent measures (including the use of clean energy, new energy, onboard UPS or auxiliary engine shutdown, similarly hereinafter). From 1 January 2021, cruise ships should use the shore power when berthing at a berth with shore power supply capabilities inside the DECAs for more than 3 hours without using other alternative or equivalent measures.
  3. From 1 January 2022, Chinese public service vessels, inland waterway vessels (except for tankers) and Chinese container vessels, Ro-Ro passenger ships, passenger ships of 3,000 g.t. and above as well as dry bulk cargo ships of 50,000 g.t. level and above engaged in domestic coastal voyages and installed with each marine diesel engine with a power output of more than 130 kW that does not meet the Tier II requirements of MARPOL Annex VI should be fitted with onboard devices for the use of shore power, and such vessels should use the shore power when berthing at a berth with shore power supply capabilities inside the coastal emission control area for more than 3 hours,or inside the inland river emission control area for more than 2 hours without using other alternative or equivalent measures.
  4. Chinese shipping companies and operators are encouraged to fit vessels other than those specified in paragraph 12 above with onboard devices for the use of shore power, and the shore power should be used when such vessels are berthing at a berth with shore power supply capabilities inside the DECAs.
  1. The clean energy, new energy, onboard UPS and exhaust gas cleaning systems can be used by vessels as alternative methods to meet the emission control requirements. In case where the exhaust gas cleaning system is used, the discharge monitoring and control system should be installed and any wastes and discharges should be treated according to the applicable regulations.
  2. Local governments are encouraged to develop requirements on fuel sulphur content for seagoing vessels when operating in inland rivers other than those specified in this Scheme, taking into account the emission control requirements in the inland river emission control areas.
  3. Chinese oil tankers of 150 g.t. and above engaged in domestic voyages constructed on and after 1 January 2020 should meet the oil and gas recovery requirements when operating in the DECAs, and the oil and gas recovery operation should be conducted whenever the safety requirements are met. Vessels engaged in international voyages should meet the requirements on VOCs as provided in MARPOL Annex VI.
  4. Vessels should strictly comply with the emission control requirements as stipulated in the existing applicable international conventions, domestic laws and regulations as well as relevant rules and standards.
BANKS:  China remains largely a cash economy. Outside major cities, credit cards are not always accepted and the availability of ATMs is limited.
SHORE LEAVE:  Foreigners can be targeted for passports, laptops, mobile phones, purses and handbags. Major tourist sites and areas frequented by foreigners attract thieves and pickpockets. Take extra care at major tourist sites, shopping streets, street markets, Beijing International Airport, major international events and conferences and popular bar areas after dark. The number of thefts can increase in the weeks leading up to Chinese New Year. If your passport is lost or stolen, report it to the nearest police station or Public Security Bureau, who will issue a ‘confirmation of loss’ report. Do not resist any attempted robbery.
Serious crime against foreigners is relatively rare, but incidents do occur. There have been incidents of sexual assault and robbery of foreigners, particularly when travelling alone in a taxi late at night in major cities. Where possible, take an ‘official’ taxi, make sure someone knows where you are and try to take a note of the taxi’s number.
There are occasional incidents with taxi and pedicab drivers who insist the passenger misunderstood the fare. Avoid travelling in unmarked or unmetered ‘taxis’ and insist on paying only the meter fare. Ask the driver for a receipt (fapiao), on which the taxi number should be printed. You can take this to the police to lodge a complaint.
Counterfeit bank notes (especially RMB100) are increasingly common. They are generally crumpled to avoid detection but you may also receive them from ATMs. Unscrupulous traders may try to switch your genuine bank notes for counterfeits. Check carefully before accepting notes. It is quite normal to do so.
Beware of scams particularly in popular tourist areas. A regular example is the ‘tea tasting’ scam or ‘massage’ scam. Scams usually involve a foreign national being invited to visit a bar, shop or cafe – for example to practice English or meet a girl – or invited for a massage, but results in demands for an exorbitant fee, often payable by credit card. This can result in threats of violence, actual violence and credit card fraud.
Do not trek alone in isolated areas, including those that follow parts of the Great Wall. If you do, leave your itinerary, mobile number and expected time of return at your hotel or with a third party.
Areas bordering on Siberia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, Laos and Burma are poorly policed. In Yunnan Province, drug smuggling and other crimes are increasing. There is a risk of attack from armed bandits in remote areas.
Public Transport:  Public transport is popular, inexpensive and widely available, though can be crowded especially at holiday/festival times like Chinese New Year. At busy times, trains and flights are often fully booked weeks in advance.
Rail Travel:  Only cash payments are accepted for tickets, including on high speed services. You will need to show your passport to buy a ticket and may need to show it before boarding.
Local Laws and Customs:  Police have the power to arrest, detain or withhold your passport if you are suspected of a crime. Suspects may be detained for weeks or months before charges are laid or given a travel ban preventing them from leaving China. Courts don’t generally grant foreigners bail. Travel bans can also be imposed on people involved in private or business disputes.
Some lawyers may be reluctant to accept cases involving foreigners. Contact your national embassy or consulate if you experience such difficulties.
The Chinese authorities undertake random drug testing on foreign nationals including on entry to the country. If a foreign national tests positive, the Chinese authorities can prosecute regardless of where or when the drugs had been consumed. There are extremely severe penalties for drugs offences, including the death penalty. A British national was executed in China for a drugs offence in December 2009. Other foreign nationals have been sentenced to death for drugs offences since then. On 1 January 2014, Khat (or Qat) was classified as an illegal drug in China and now carries the same penalties as other illegal drugs.
China doesn’t recognise dual nationality. If you enter China on a Chinese passport or identity card, your (other) national embassy may not be able to offer consular assistance. Any person born in China to a Chinese national parent will be considered by the Chinese authorities to have Chinese nationality. Travellers holding British passports for example, who also hold Chinese citizenship, may be regarded by the Chinese authorities as a Chinese citizen, even if you travel to China on a British passport. If you have formally renounced Chinese citizenship, you should carry clear evidence that you have done so.
Foreign nationals over 16 years of age must carry their passport with them at all times. Police carry out random checks, especially during periods of heightened security and major sporting or political events. Failure to produce your ID can lead to a fine or detention. If you renew your passport while you’re in China, you must register your new passport with the authorities promptly or face a fine.
The Chinese authorities maintain controls on internet access. Websites like Facebook, Youtube and Twitter are blocked. Other websites or email services (especially Google and Gmail) are blocked from time to time.
Gambling is illegal in mainland China.
There are restrictions on certain religious activities, including preaching and distributing religious materials. The Falun Gong movement is banned in China.
Homosexuality is not illegal although there are no specific laws in place to protect the rights of LGBT people.
If you are entering China for employment, study or private purposes for a stay of over six months, you must produce a health certificate, which includes a blood test for HIV, legalised by the Chinese Embassy.
You must register your place of residence with the local Public Security Bureau within 24 hours of arrival. Chinese authorities enforce this requirement with regular spot-checks of foreigners’ documentation. If you’re staying in a hotel, registration is done on your behalf as part of the check-in process.
REPATRIATION:  As of 1 January 2014, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Shenyang and Dalian started a 72-hour visa-free stay policy for citizens of 51 countries if the travellers are holding third country visas and relevant air tickets. They can apply for a transit without visa (TWOV) in Beijing (at Beijing Capital International Airport), Chengdu at Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport), Chongqing (at Chongqing Jjiangbei International Airport), Dalian (at Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport), Guangzhou (at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport), Shanghai (at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport or Pudong International Airport) and Shenyang (at Shenyang Taoxian International Airport).
If you are transiting through ports in Shanghai, Zhejiang Province or Jiangsu Province, and travelling on to a third country within 144 hours, you can now also enter China visa-free. You must be staying in Shanghai municipality, Zhejiang Province or Jiangsu Province, and have evidence of your onward journey to a third country within 144 hours of arrival. These visa-exemptions are for transit only – you cannot use them to enter China with return flights from your origin country. In all other circumstances, if your stopover requires you to leave the airport terminal you will need a transit visa for both the outward and return journeys. If you’re staying within the airport for up to 24 hours, you don’t need a transit visa.
These countries are as follows: Albania; Argentina; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Brazil; Brunei; Bulgaria; Canada; Chile; Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Estonia; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Latvia; Lithuania; Republic of Korea; Luxemburg; Macedonia; Malta; Montenegro; New Zealand; Poland; Portugal; Qatar; Romania; Russia; Serbia; Singapore; Slovakia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; The Netherlands; UAE; UK; Ukraine; USA.