General Information for Brazil
Capital City: Brasilia. 15° 47.00′ S, 047° 55.00′ W
Nationality: (noun) Brazilian(s), (adjective) Brazilian.
Population: 211,715,973 (July 2020).
International Direct Dial Code: 55.
Number of Internal Airports: 4093 (2013).
Major Languages Spoken: Portuguese (official and most widely spoken language).
Currency: 1 Brazilian Real (BRL) of 100 Centavos.
Exchange Rates:
(as of November 2020)
USD 1.00 = BRL 5.74
BRL 1.00 = USD 0.17
Exchange rates under licence from
Main Industries: Textiles, shoes, chemicals, cement, lumber, iron ore, tin, steel, aircraft, motor
vehicles, parts, other machinery and equipment.
Agricultural Products: Coffee, soybeans, wheat, rice, corn, sugarcane, cocoa, citrus and beef.
Imports: Machinery, electrical, transport equipment, chemical products, oil, automotive parts
and electronics.
Exports: Transport equipment, iron ore, soybeans, footwear, coffee and automobiles.
Commodities: Crude: Production 2,587,000 bbl/d. Exports 736,600 bbl/d. Imports 297,700 bbl/d. Reserves 12,630,000,000 bbl.
Products: Production 2,811,000 bbl/d. Exports 279,000 bbl/d. Imports 490,400 bbl/d.
LNG: Production 23,960,000,000 cu.m.. Exports 134,500,000 cu.m.. Imports 10,510,000,000 cu.m..
Reserves 377,400,000,000 cu.m..
Territorial Sea: 12 n.m.
Contiguous Zone: Contiguous Zone: 24 n.m. Continental Shelf: 200 n.m. Exclusive Economic Zone: 200 n.m.
Coastline Extent: 7,491 km.
Climate: Mostly tropical, but temperate in south.
Natural Resources: Alumina, bauxite, beryllium, gold, iron ore, manganese, nickel, niobium, phosphates,
platinum, tantalum, tin, rare earth elements, uranium, petroleum, hydropower and timber.
Natural Hazards: Recurring droughts in northeast and floods and occasional frost in south.
Terrain: Mostly flat to rolling lowlands in north; some plains, hills, mountains, and narrow
coastal belt.
Average Temperatures:
Month | High | Low |
January | 28° C | 23° C |
June | 27° C | 16° C |
September | 24° C | 16° C |
Nautical charts, publications, Notices to Mariners and navigational warnings issued
by Marinha do Brasil, Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegacao. Details available at
Pre-arrival documentation to be submitted via the national Paperless Port (Porto Sem
Papel) system, available to registered users at
Registration form is available at
Statement of Compliance:
The documents required by the authorities for Statement of Compliance for Oil Transport:
1 Certificate of Insurance or Other Financial Security in Respect of Civil Liability
for Oil Pollution Damage
1 Crew List (IMO FAL Form)
1 IOPP Certificate (all pages including any supplement form)
1 Last Ports State Control Inspection Report
1 P&I Entry Certificate (with wreck removal clause)
1 Ports of Call List
1 Certificate of Registry
1 Ship Safety Construction Certificate
1 Ship’s particulars
Also see
Pre-Arrival Information.
Brazilian legislation defines pilotage as professional advisory activities provided
to ships’ Masters, which are required in local areas whose peculiarities hinder the
free and safe movement of the ship.
Pilotage in Brazilian waters is regulated by the Rules of Maritime Authority No. 12/2003
(NORMAM 12/2003) and monitored by the navy. In addition, Law No. 9.357/1997, commonly
referred to as ``LESTA'', provides for the security of maritime traffic in waters
under national jurisdiction and also regulates some pilotage issues.
Conselho Nacional de Praticagem (CONAPRA) is the national pilotage counsel, responsible
for the control and inspection of the execution of pilotage activities. CONAPRA also
moderates price negotiations regarding pilotage services. The issue of pricing is
controversial in Brazil.
Pilotage Zones:
Full details of pilotage zones, and pilotage operators can be found at
Pilotage Charges:
The level of fees charged for pilotage services will take into consideration not only
the execution of the service itself, but also the pilot’s boat and the pilot look-out
post (operational structure). The actual price is agreed between the parties involved.
If agreement is not reached between the parties, the Public Administration may moderate
over this negotiation.
NORMAM 12/2003 provides under item 0501 that maximum pilotage rates shall be fixed
in accordance with the resolutions enacted by the National Commission for Pilotage
Matters (Comissao Nacional de Assuntos de Praticagem – CNAP); however, there has been
resistance by the industry to what is viewed as state intervention influencing pricing
in what is otherwise a private and independent service. For the time being, shipowners
should anticipate high pilotage fees following negotiation with the pilot provider.
Categories of Pilots:
In Brazil, there are two categories of pilots: pilot practitioners and pilots. The
pilot practitioner, as defined in Chapter 2, Section I of NORMAM 12/2003, is the waterway
professional who is not a crew member and aspires to become a pilot. NORMAM 12/2003
sets out the requirements to qualify as a pilot practitioner, which involves passing
a public examination and undergoing a ``qualification period''. In due course, the
aspiring pilot will be eligible to apply for a pilot licence. The pilot certificate
will expire if the pilot cannot demonstrate a minimum frequency of pilotage engagements.
Law no. 9.357/1997, Article 13, states that pilotage will be executed by duly certified
pilots, individually, organised in associations or hired by pilotage companies. The
most common structure is pilots belonging to associations. Individual pilots are rarely
encountered due to the high cost of pilotage equipment. The option to hire a pilot
from a private company has been controversial, with some critics viewing this arrangement
as being contrary to the nature of pilotage services.
Compulsory/Mandatory Pilotage:
In respect to pilotage activities, it is important to bear in mind, first of all,
that pilotage is considered to be an essential activity and must be permanently available
in the designated pilotage zones, as per Article 14 of Law no. 9.357/1997. The Maritime
Authority sets the minimum necessary number of pilots per zone and is authorised to
fix a price for the pilotage service. Additionally, pilots are not entitled to refuse
to offer pilotage services, under the penalty of suspension of their licence or, in
case of recidivism, cancellation of their licence.
In Brazil, ports, terminals and waterway passages in which pilotage is considered
to be obligatory are listed in NORMAM 12/2003, as well as the areas in which pilotage
services are deemed optional. As determined by item 0404 from NORMAM 12/2003, some
types of ships are exempt from the obligation to engage pilotage services.
Vessel Tracking Systems:
Each pilotage zone has its own vessel tracking system. For instance, the pilotage
zone of Sao Paulo operates a system called Centro de Coordenacao, Comunicacoes e Operacoes
de Trafego (C3OT) which monitors and provides live information and images concerning
meteorological and oceanographic conditions, as well as information and images on
ships in the port area indicating information such as location, dimensions, position,
course, speed, final destination and type of cargo.
Liability/Exemptions from Liability:
The NORMAM 12/2013 sets out the obligations applicable to pilots, including:
- to promptly and efficiently provide advice on local pilotage issues to the Master of the ship under pilotage
- to be available to provide a pilotage service for any kind of ship through the entire pilotage zone
- to transmit and respond to the necessary safety signals with other ships, to communicate the conditions and to cooperate with rescuing and salvage operations.
Article 25 of Decree No. 2.596/98 provides that a pilot shall be deemed liable if
he refuses to provide pilotage services or breaches one of the Maritime Authority’s
rules. There is no specific regulation concerning the possible liability of pilots
for accidents or navigational incidents. The only relevant instrument is the Brussels
Collision Convention (1910), ratified by Brazil, which has been interpreted by the
local courts as exonerating pilots from civil liability, but allowing for pilot liability
in the administrative and criminal spheres. Notwithstanding the above, pilots can
be held liable in a redress lawsuit if it can be proven that the accident was caused
due to a direct mistake of the pilot. On the other hand, in respect of the obligations
of the Master of the ship towards the pilot, item 0230 from NORMAM 12/2003 highlights
- The presence of a pilot on the ship does not relieve the Master and his crew of their duties and obligations as to the safety of the ship, and the pilot’s actions should be permanently monitored.
- The Master of the ship, when using a pilotage service, has the following duties:
a) | to inform the pilot about the manoeuvring conditions of the ship | |
b) | to provide the pilot with all the necessary material elements and information in order to execute his service | |
c) | to monitor the execution of the pilotage service | |
d) | to disregard the advice of the pilot if the Master is convinced the pilot is executing his service in a dangerous manner | |
e) | to provide the pilot with similar conditions provided to the other crew members | |
f) | to comply with national and international safety rules | |
g) | not to dispense with a pilot in circumstances in which pilotage is mandatory. |
Pilot Working Conditions:
It is reported that pilots working in some ports in Brazil have in some instances
refused to board vessels that do not maintain adequate working conditions, specifically
concerning temperature control on the bridge and in pilot cabins. This is driven by
local labour regulations, which mandate specific temperature ranges for the safety
and comfort of employees. Vessels not complying with the regulations could face significant
operational delays, financial losses, and potential port state control inspections.
Managers and their seafarers should check that the vessel’s air conditioning is working
properly prior to arriving in Brazil.
Pilots may bring thermometers on board, particularly in northern Brazilian ports where
they are more likely to insist on enhanced working conditions considering the prolonged
periods (typically 6-8 hours) they must remain on board. As the ambient temperature
at the northern ports varies from 30°C to 35°C, vessels with faulty air conditioning
are likely to face problems with pilots and other workers. Pilots may report any high
temperatures found on the bridge to the local office of the Ministry of Labour. A
labour inspector may then be dispatched to the vessel to conduct temperature measurements.
If the high temperatures are verified by the inspector, a prosecutor may be assigned
to report the matter to the local Harbour Master. The vessel will be required to resolve
any issues with the air conditioning before pilotage can resume.
The Brazilian Regulatory Standards (NR) are a set of regulations established by the
Brazilian government to ensure health and safety in the workplace. Issued by the Ministry
of Labour and Employment, NRs ensure the physical integrity, health and safety at
work and establish the technical and legal requirements on the minimum levels of Occupational
Health and Safety (OHS). ( ).
There are 38 NRs covering topics ranging from environmental risk prevention to safety
practices for working at heights. In general, the standards align with the main business
activities in Brazil. NR 17 applies to cases such as those relating to thermal discomfort
and issues with air conditioning. Specifically, Section of NR17 states, ``The
organization [employer] must adopt measures to control temperature, air speed and
humidity in order to provide thermal comfort in work situations, observing the air
temperature range parameter between 18 and 25 °C for air-conditioned environments
whereas NR-19 establishes in free translation the requirements and prevention measures
to guarantee the safety and health conditions of workers at all stages of the manufacture,
handling, storage and transportation of explosives.''
Penalties for noncompliance with requirements are set out in NR-28. These can go up
to USD 300,000.
Cruise Ship Inspections:
All cruise ships that circulate on the Brazilian coast undergo sanitary inspections
by Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria (ANVISA). In these inspections the Agency's
inspectors check all the controls of the vessel regarding the sanitary safety of the
water and food offered on board. Other areas and services also inspected on the ships
are recreational waters (swimming pools, hydromassages, etc.), cleaning of cabins
and environments, medical facilities, solid waste management (garbage), sewage treatment
system, air conditioning and vents.
In Brazil, after the sanitary inspections of cruise ships, the Compliance Index and
risk score for each vessel are obtained. The Compliance Index is the percentage of
items evaluated in the inspection that were attended by the vessel. The risk score
is the sum of the risk values of each item evaluated in the inspection. The risk score
can range from 0 (ships with the highest possible safety level) to 5000 (ship with
the lowest possible safety level).
After the inspection, based on the risk score, the vessels are classified into four
(A to D) possible standards that allow ANVISA to conclude as to their sanitary conditions:
- standard A: ships with a risk score up to 150, i.e. in excellent sanitary conditions
- standard B: ships with a risk score between 151 and 300, i.e. in satisfactory sanitary conditions
- standard C: ships with a risk score between 301 and 450, i.e. in acceptable sanitary conditions
- standard D: ships with a risk score above 450, i.e. in unsatisfactory sanitary conditions with requirements to be met immediately.
Regardless of the risk score and the pattern found, when encountering sanitary irregularities,
ANVISA inspectors always establish necessary correction measures with defined deadlines.
Reference should be made to NORMAM-08/DPC (full text in Portuguese) with annexes which
is available at
Foreign vessels and national vessels over 20 g.t. are required to submit to the relevant
Capitania dos Portos a completed Notificacao de Previsao de Chegada (Notice of Arrival
- Annex 2-A NORMAM-08/DPC) within 48 hours before arrival. Additionally, vessel shall
also submit to following:
- Declaracao Geral de Entrada (General Entry Declaration - Annex 2-B NORMAM-08/DPC)
- Crew List (Appendix B-I)
- Passenger List (Appendix B-II)
- GMDSS data sheet (Appendix B-III).
Vessels engaged in sport and/or recreation, warships and State vessels not engaged
in commercial activities are not subject to this requirement.
Should there be any change to the initial Notice of Arrival, a new Notificacao de
Previsao de Chegada should be submitted.
Documentation can be submitted directly to port via Paperless Port (PSP) , via SISDESP-WEB when PSP is not available, or to the relevant Capitania dos Ports
when no alternative is available. SISDESP-WEB online application is available to registered
Within 4 hours of arrival, vessel shall submit to the Capitania dos Portos, as applicable,
the following:
- Declaracao Geral de Entrada (General Entry Declaration - Annex 2-B NORMAM-08/DPC)
- Aviso de Entrada (Vessel Arrival Communication – Annex 2-H NORMAM-08/DPC)
- Aviso de Entrada – Navegacao Interior (Vessel Arrival Communication – Annex 2-N-NORMAM 08/DPC).
Merchant vessels engaged in international voyages or engaged in commercial maritime
traffic between Brazilian ports, ocean islands, terminals and offshore platforms shall
present the International Code for the Protection of Ships and Port Facilities (ISPS),
as defined in regulation 1.1.12 of Chapter XI- 2 of the International Convention for
the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 1974/1988) and its amendments in force, with the
exception of:
- cargo ships less than 500 g.t.
- passenger ships less than 500 g.t. that do not make international voyages
- vessels without means of mechanical propulsion
- wooden vessels, primitive construction
- fishing vessels
- vessels with LOA less than 24 m. (NORMAM-01/DPC).
When a vessel shifts between an anchorage/port/terminal, a Registro de Movimentacao
de Embarcacao (Vessel Movement Record – Annex 2-J NORMAM-08/DPC) shall be submitted
to the relevant Capitania dos Portos within 4 hours of arrival at the new location.
Vessel shall submit a Declaracao Geral de Saida (General Departure Declaration – Annex
2-E to NORMAM-08/DPC) to request departure from port. The declaration is mandatory
for all vessels wishing to leave port except for vessels of 20 g.t. or less and/or
sports/recreational vessels, warships and State vessels not engaged in commercial
activities. The following shall accompany the Declaracao Geral de Saida:
- Pedido de Despacho por Periodo (Annex 2F NORMAM-08/DPC)
- Declaracao Geral de Entrada (Annex 2-B NORMAM-08/DPC)
- Last Port Clearance
- International Ship Security Certificate
- Safety Management Certificate
- Crew List/Passenger List (Annex B-I NORMAM-08/DPC)
- Port State Control Inspection Report
- Notificacao de Previsao de Chegada (Annex 2-A NORMAM-08/DPC)
- GMDSS data sheet (Annex 3-H NORMAM-08/DPC)
- Passe de Saida por Periodo (Annex 2-G NORMAM-08/DPC).
Within 4 hours of departure, vessel shall submit the following, as applicable:
- Declaracao Geral de Saida (General Departure Declaration – Annex 2-E NORMAM-08/DPC)
- Aviso de Saida (Vessel Departure Communication Annex 2-I NORMAM-08/DPC)
- Aviso de Saida – Navegacao Interior (Vessel Departure Communication – Inland Navigation Annex 2-O NORMAM-08/DPC).
PSC – Bulk Carriers:
Brazil has announced a new inspection requirement for aging bulk carriers. All bulk
carriers of 18 years of age and above, intending to load a cargo with a density of
1.78 tonnes/cu.m. or greater, such as iron ore, will be subject to an inspection by
Port State Control upon arrival and prior to the commencement of loading. This new
inspection requirement is in addition to the Mandatory Annual Condition Survey conducted
on bulk carriers, Oil/Ore (OOs) and Oil/Bulk/Ore (OBOs) of 18 years age and above,
when calling a Brazilian port, for loading solid bulk materials with density equal
to or greater than 1.78 tonnes/cu.m.
Reference should be made to NORMAM-01/DPC and NORMAM-04/DPC.
Ship Reporting System (SISTRAM):
Compulsory for all vessels calling at Brazilian ports or passing through Brazil's
territorial waters, it is voluntary for vessels other than Brazilian registered or
calling at a Brazilian port when not within territorial waters. Working throughout
24 hours.
SISTRAM gathers navigational information from participating vessels, to improve SAR
efforts within the Brazilian maritime area. It gives Comando do Controle Naval do
Trafego Maritimo (COMCONTRAM) the ability to activate shore logistics quickly and
divert nearby vessels to the scene providing faster response times, resulting in better
safety of life at sea. Vessels should make their initial report electronically via
SISTRAM 4's website User registration required.
Participation begins when a vessel sends a Sailing Plan (Type 1 message) and ends
when the vessel sends a Final Report (Type 4 message). Any non-participating vessel
may join SISTRAM at any time, by sending a Type 1 message, and it may leave SISTRAM
at any time by sending a Type 4 message. Line `X' should be completed in the Final
Report including the reason for terminating participation.
T: +55 (21) 2104 6353. T: +55 (21) 2104 6337.
[email protected]
[email protected]
The Ballast Water Management (BWM) requirements for vessels calling at Brazilian ports
have been in force since 15 October 2005 and apply to all vessels intending to discharge
ballast water in Brazilian waters. In outline, Ballast Water Exchange (BWE) must take
place at least 200 n.m. from the coast and in water at least 200 m. deep. Where this
is not possible, BWE should take place at least 50 n.m. from the coast in water at
least 200 m. deep. Where a vessel has been unable to fulfil either of these requirements
discharge may only take place with permission of the Harbour Master or his agent.
BWE can be by sequential, flow-through and dilution methods. If using either flow-through
or dilution methods, at least three times the tank volume must be pumped with an efficiency
of at least 95% volumetric exchange.
Special provisions apply to ports of the Amazon Basin where an additional exchange
is required to reduce ballast water salinity. This should take place between the isobath
of 20 m. and Macapa. In this case the tank volume need only be pumped once. (Similar
provisions apply to the River Para.)
Compliance is monitored through inspection of the vessel’s BWM Plan and the Ballast
Water Report form. Ballast water samples may also be taken. Various penalties can
be imposed for breach of the legislation including the prohibition to discharge ballast
water as well as a fine which can range from BRL5,000 to 50,000,000. Vessels due to
call at Brazilian ports should ensure that all BWM requirements are complied with
and, in particular, remind crew that a second BWE is required for vessels calling
at Amazon Basin and River Para ports.
The detailed requirements of the Brazilian BWM Regulations can be found in the Annex
to IMO circular BWM.2/Circ.1 and the Iretoria De Portos E Costas document NORMAM 20,
within which the Reporting Form (in English) can be found at
In the event of a spill, Instituto Brasiliero do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais
Renovaveis (IBAMA) will usually devolve the clean-up response to the environment departments
of the 18 coastal states and/or to the national oil company, Petrobras. The role of
On-Scene Commander would normally be played by either the relevant Port Captain, or
an employee from the local IBAMA office, the State Environmental Agency concerned
or Petrobras.
Competent National Authority: Instituto Brasiliero do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos
Naturais Renovaveis (IBAMA). T: +55 (61) 3316 1212.
Spill Notification Point: MRCC Brazil. T: +55 (21) 2104 6056. F: +55 (21) 2104 6038.
[email protected] Alternatively, spills should be reported to the nearest port.
Foreign nationals are entitled to emergency medical treatment in Brazilian public
hospitals. Public hospitals in Brazil, especially in major cities, tend to be crowded.
Private hospitals will not accept you unless you can present evidence of sufficient
funds or insurance. Make sure you have adequate health insurance and accessible funds
to cover the cost of any medical treatment abroad and repatriation.
There has been an increase in reported cases of Hepatitis A in Sao Paulo over the
last year. There has been a increase in reported cases of yellow fever, particularly
in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais. Please note that Rio
de Janeiro state authorities recommend that all visitors to the state, including to
the island of Ilha Grande, are vaccinated against yellow fever.
UK health authorities have classified Brazil as having a risk of Zika virus transmission.
Malaria is present in parts of the country. Dengue fever is particularly common during
the rainy season (from November to March).
The sun can be extremely strong and UV levels are high.
If you’re taking medication, take a good supply with you, as they may not be available
locally. Bring a prescription or letter from your doctor confirming your requirement
to carry the medication. Counterfeit drugs can also be an issue, so it’s always better
to travel with your own supplies. Rules for carrying personal medication vary and
can change, so check with the Brazilian Consulate before you travel.
If you need emergency medical assistance during your trip, dial 192 and ask for an
ambulance. You should contact your insurance/medical assistance company promptly if
you are referred to a medical facility for treatment.
Centro Brasileiro de Controle de Missao. T: +55 (61) 3364 8395. F: +55 (61) 3365 2964.
[email protected]
Secao de Registro de Balizas 406Mhz. T: +55 (61) 3364 8419.
[email protected]
Centro de Coordenacao de Salvamento – Curitiba. T: +55 (41) 3256 8008.
[email protected]
Centro de Coordenacao de Salvamento – Amazonico. T: +55 (92) 3652 5520.
[email protected]
Centro de Coordenacao de Salvamento – Recife. T: +55 (81) 3462 4927.
[email protected]
Centro de Coordenacao de Salvamento – Brasília. T: +55 (61) 3365 1212.
[email protected]
Salvamar Brasil. T: +55 (21) 2104 6056. F: +55 (21) 2104 6038.
[email protected]
There have been armed and unarmed attacks on merchant vessels off the Brazilian coast
and in some Brazilian ports.
IMB Piracy Reporting Centre:
IMB PRC Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 24/7 Helpline T: +60 (3) 2031 0014. F: +60 (3) 2078 5769.
[email protected]
IMB PRC Malaysia broadcasts SITREP reports to vessels at 0000 GMT and warnings via
Inmarsat C (Satellite) EGC Safety Net. However, vessels within some parts of the world,
that are not considered at risk from piracy, will not receive these messages.
1 January (New Year's Day, (Fraternidade Universal)); Carnival (47 days before easter);
Good Friday; Easter; 21 April (Tiradentes (Independence Hero)); 1 May (Labour Day);
24 June (St. John); 7 September (Brazil's Independence Day); 12 October (Patroness
of the Nation (Nossa Senhora Aparecida)); 2 November (All Souls Day); 15 November
(Republic Day); 24 December (Christmas Eve); 25 December (Christmas Day); Nossa Senhora
da Penha.
By order of the local Port Authorities it is requested that all ships in port must
be dressed overall on the following national holidays: 7 September and 15 November.
Variable Dates:
Carnival (February or March); Good Friday, Easter (March or April); Corpus Christi
(June or July).
The rainy season runs from November until March in the south and south east and from
April until July in the north east of the country. Heavy rains can often disrupt infrastructure,
particularly in rural areas. Flash floods and landslides, especially in poorer urban
areas, are common during heavy rains. Monitor local media and follow any instructions
given by the local authorities.
Maritime weather warnings and forecasts available at
The Brazilian telephone numbering plan uses a two-digit area code plus eight-digit
local phone numbers for landlines and nine digits for mobile lines. Public utility
services use short phone numbers (usually three digits), always starting with 1.
Mobile phone numbers in Brazil are assigned the same geographic area codes as fixed
lines, according to the subscriber's place of residence or most frequent use. Mobile
phone numbers start with the digits 6, 7, 8 or 9. These initial digits are known to
the public, so one always knows beforehand if one is calling a fixed or a mobile line.
Public Transport:
Public transport is likely to be disrupted during demonstrations or civil unrest.
Be vigilant when using public transport, especially during rush hour as petty crime
is common. Generally, the metro systems in Rio and Sao Paulo are safer than buses.
Criminals often work in gangs robbing large numbers of people concentrated in the
same place: public transport hubs can be particular hotspots. There have been incidents
of hijacking and robbery of tour buses in recent years.
Only use licensed taxis. You can pick up a licensed taxi from the many recognised
taxi ranks around Brazilian cities. Always check your taxi has the company details
on the outside. Taxi apps are also a useful way to call a registered taxi; request
your taxi inside if possible to avoid displaying your smartphone on the street. If
your app allows this, share your journey with colleagues so they can track you. Be
aware that some taxi apps are reliant on GPS and run the risk of entering a more dangerous
area of the city, in particular favelas.
Most airports have licensed taxi desks inside the baggage reclaim areas. You can pay
for your taxi in advance using a credit card or cash inside the airport rather than
in the street.
Air Travel:
Always use recognised national air carriers. There have been accidents involving light
aircraft, which sometimes have poor maintenance standards.
Rail Travel:
The railway infrastructure is limited and there have been safety and security incidents
on this system.
Bank and credit card fraud is common, including card cloning from ATMs. Keep sight
of your card at all times and do not use an ATM if you notice anything suspicious.
Notify your bank in advance of your trip to avoid your card being blocked. If you
withdraw cash at an ATM and it has any sort of pink marks, speak to the bank (or police)
straight away to get it changed as it may have been marked as damaged or counterfeit.
Favelas (Portuguese for ‘slum’ or ‘shanty town’) are urban neighbourhoods of high
density informal or unplanned housing. They exist in all major Brazilian cities, range
in size from a few blocks to large sprawling areas, and can border areas frequented
by tourists and visitors.
The security situation is many favelas is unpredictable, particularly in Rio de Janeiro.
Any visit to a favela can be dangerous. It is recommend that you avoid these areas
in all cities, including ‘favela tours’ marketed to tourists and any accommodation,
restaurants or bars advertised as being within a favela.
In Rio de Janeiro, there are favelas located around the city, including close to the
tourist area of Zona Sul. If you are unsure about a location, seek local advice from
your representative/hotel/local authorities.
Armed clashes and shootouts between police forces and gangs are a regular and unpredictable
occurrence. Armed clashes have also occurred on major thoroughfares, including the
main highway to and from the international airport in Rio de Janeiro which runs alongside
a large favela.
There is a risk of violence spilling over into nearby areas, including those popular
with tourists. There have been injuries and deaths as a result of stray bullets in
and near favelas.
Take extra care in all Brazilian towns and cities, especially Rio de Janeiro. If you’re
using GPS navigation, whether by car or on foot, make sure that the suggested route
doesn’t take you into a favela. Avoid entering unpaved, cobbled or narrow streets
which may lead into a favela. Tourists have been shot after accidentally entering
a favela. Check with your representative/hotel/local authorities if unsure.
There are high levels of crime, particularly robberies, within Brazil’s cities and
the murder rate can be very high; however this can vary greatly within a city and
it is recommended that you familiarise yourself with the geography of a city and take
local advice to identify the riskier areas. Crime, including violent crime, can occur
anywhere and often involves firearms or other weapons. Pickpocketing is common. You
should be vigilant, in particular before and during the festive and carnival periods.
It is recommended that you do not go on to city beaches after dark.
If threatened, hand over your valuables without resistance. Attackers may be armed
and under the influence of drugs. Don’t attempt to resist attackers – this increases
the risk of injury or worse.
Do not wear expensive jewellery and watches, and do not carry large sums of money
and consider wearing a money belt. Do not use your mobile phone in the street and
keep cameras out of sight when not in use. Leave your passport and other valuables
in a safe place but carry a copy and another form of photo ID, if you have one, with
you at all times.
Thefts are particularly common on public beaches and include “arrastoes” where large
groups of thieves run through an area of the beach grabbing possessions. Keep your
possessions close and avoid taking valuables to the beach.
The most common incidents affecting foreign nationals in Rio de Janeiro are thefts
and pick pocketing around Copacabana Beach, Ipanema Beach and the areas of Lapa and
Santa Theresa. Tourists in Rio de Janeiro frequently report armed robberies on the
Corcovado walking trail to the Christ the Redeemer statue.
The most common incidents affecting foreign nationals in the NE of Brazil are theft
from hotel and motel rooms and muggings. Reduce the risk of being mugged by avoiding
quiet or deserted streets and/or areas and by using taxis after sunset instead of
Robberies on buses are common in many cities. According to police statistics the most
stolen items are mobile phones and the period in which the greatest number of robberies
occur is between 1600 and 2100 hours.
Thefts from cars are common; keep valuables out of sight.
Carjacking can occur, particularly on major thoroughfares and in tunnels. Approach
your car with your keys in hand so you can get into your car quicker. When driving,
keep doors locked and windows closed, and take particular care at traffic lights.
Where possible, use the middle lane. Avoid deserted or poorly lit areas, except under
reliable local advice. Be aware of people approaching to ask for information, especially
at night. If driving at night outside the city, avoid stopping at the roadside – if
you need to do so try to find a petrol station/other well lit area in which to stop.
Rape and other sexual offences against tourists are rare, but there have been attacks
against both men and women. Some have involved “date rape” drugs. Buy your own drinks
and keep them within sight at all times.
If you become a victim of crime abroad, you should contact the local police and your
nearest national embassy or consulate.
Demonstrations/Civil Unrest:
Demonstrations and occasionally strikes take place in cities across Brazil with reports
of arrests and clashes between police and protesters. More common in urban areas,
they can disrupt transport. Even events intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational
and escalate into violence. Police have used rubber bullets and tear gas extensively
to disperse protesters. The effects of tear gas can be felt several hundred meters
beyond the immediate site of demonstrations.
If you’re travelling or residing in Brazil, take common sense precautions, follow
local news reports, avoid large gatherings, political rallies or other events where
crowds have congregated to demonstration or protest, and comply with the instructions
of local authorities. If you encounter a demonstration, leave the area immediately.
Strong currents and sharks can be a danger off some beaches. Take local advice before
swimming including paying attention to warning flags on beaches and the location of
lifeguards if present on the beach.
Visas required to enter Brazil are issued by Brazilian consulates abroad. Citizens
from Mercosur member counties (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay,
Peru and Uruguay) are not required to present a visa, only the passport or a valid
identification document. Citizens from the European Union and many other countries
are also not required to issue a visa, they are only required to present a passport.
A new system for granting electronic visas is available for nationals of Australia,
Canada, United States and Japan. Nationals of these countries may apply for a Visit
Visa and obtain it remotely, with no need to visit a consulate, since there is no
physical label issued. The eVisa must be applied for at the VFS Global website
If the application is approved, the applicant will receive an email with the visa
copy, his data, visa data, QR Code to confirm the authenticity, and any warnings that
may apply. The holder of the electronic visit visa must present the printed authorisation
file or its electronic copy to the transport companies at the time of boarding, as
well as to the Brazilian immigration authorities upon their entry into Brazil.
Updated information on national visa requirements available at
Seafarers entering the country on a deep-sea going ships or a cruise ship sailing
along the Brazilian coast for up to 90 days shall be exempt from visa provided they
carry a valid seaman’s book in accordance with the ILO Convention. Those who intend
to work on a Brazilian ship or platform, irrespective of the length of the employment
contract, or work on board a foreign vessel without a contract of employment in Brazil
for more than 90 days, must obtain a temporary visa at a Brazilian consulate abroad.
Visitors and immigrants in the maritime and offshore sectors will be issued with a
visit visa for business (non-remunerated, short-term visitors) or a temporary work
visa (with or without a contract of employment in Brazil) if they remain in the country
for more than 90 days. Citizens of some countries will continue to be exempted from
a visa if the stay does not exceed 90 days.